Friday, June 08, 2018

The Democratian protecting their own: a claim I violated the DMCA on articles involving "Gas Tax" Rivers and Julie "RINO" Olson.

Did I quote the democratian articles to hang around their necks?

Sure did.  And I did it under "Fair Use."

See, I don't make a dime off of this blog.  And the democratian damn well knows it.

But they also know they can make the claim and there's really not a damned thing I can do about it unless I'm willing to crank out a lawyer and send them to work.

Now, the relevant part of the law is this:
Fair use is a legal doctrine that promotes freedom of expression by permitting the unlicensed use of copyright-protected works in certain circumstances. Section 107 of the Copyright Act provides the statutory framework for determining whether something is a fair use and identifies certain types of uses—such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research—as examples of activities that may qualify as fair use. 
These exposes of these three particular bouts of corruption;  the first where democrat Governor Jay Inslee rewards Olson for being a good little fake Republican; the second calling out "Gas Tax" Rivers for her effort at shifting the blame for our horrific property tax increases that she's by lying about for a year or so onto the county auditor and the third, blasting Rivers for accepting a HORRIFIC amount of OUR money to pay for HALF of HER hedges the county chopped down, are, in fact, many of the catagories listed above.

The democratian has a history of selective, biased reporting.  If you're a friend of Lou, there's no effort they won't go to to cover for you, make excuses for you and, even in, say, the case of Marc Boldt, fight or you and campaign for you.

Now, there's a stench about these claims other than the obvious, which is they do NOT violate copyright law.  And considering I have ZERO commercial application for this blog, clearly, they have no case.

But that's neither here not there.

There's a certain RINO group that certainly does not want Julie Olson's opponent, Elisabeth Veneman, to be pointing out to Republicans in this county that Julie "The RINO" is viewed so favorably by our esteemed Governor, at least in part for her betrayal of the people of Clark County for her support of resurrecting the CRC Scam.

And naturally, those same people in that same RINO group don't want their fake Republican turncoat, Sen. Ann "Gas Tax" Rivers, to have this massive pay off following her around when she runs for reelection; and they want to put as much distance between Rivers, her sellout to Strategies 360 (the democrat campaign firm that hired her while she was "negotiating" the horrific increase in our property taxes with the WEA) her lies about who was responsible AND her rape of our checkbooks themselves, and the election that, sadly, is coming up in two years... instead of NOW.

But these things don't happen in a vacuum, and as much as my tracking software tells me the local cancer on our community reviews my blog, it's not like they haven't know about these articles for months.

But hey.. When you've been drinking over at Lou's house and you're buying those full-page ads?  Whats a phone call or two to make it happen, eh?

Or, maybe, I've got it all wrong and this is just one, big happy coincidence.

ANY hoo, I am going to rewrite the blogposts in question to make the democratian feel ALLLLLL better.

And over time, I'm going to politically beat these two to a pulp with these examples of the corruption they engage in.

In the end, who ever did this?

The result is going to have far more impact than it other wise might have.

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