Sunday, June 10, 2018

The Gellatly Cult Board tries to kill the messengers while covering for their druggy Chair.

As expected in cases of political and personal misconduct, the RINO scum on the local GOP Executive Board would continue to support the Chair if he molested a girl scout troop.

Kind of reminds me of democrats and Bill Clinton.

What we have is a county chair that, sadly, wasn't vetted.  Investigation into his background includes 4 arrests for theft 3 that resulted in civil settlements; bench warrants, multiple DUIs and, of course, a variety of efforts to get him kicked out of his apartments.

Since he got the job of Chair of the Local GOP, his personal conduct has been a disgrace and he, along with a select few RINOs, have done more damage and been more divisive than the democrats he is SUPPOSED to be campaigning against.

The "Chairman" has attacked and threatened many, including myself and my family.  His attacks on others have been defamatory, brutal, false and fictional.

And then, to top it all off, we discover that he has a drug problem, wherein HE confirms cocaine usage, and is facing evidence of also using meth AND methadone.... ALL of which took place AFTER he became Chair of the GOP around here in addition to any involvement before that sorry day.

Of course, none of this includes his disastrous lawsuit against a PCO who allegedly used the word "embezzlement."

That the purpose of his suit was to silence the growing political opposition to his continued tenure as party chair... as he engages in his task of destroying the local GOP.  And, as another example, has been his personal jihad to "trespass" 6 Republicans from being in party headquarters, period, INCLUDING one who was a candidate for the 17th District LEGISLATIVE CHAIR, a guy he ACTUALLY TRIED TO HAVE ARRESTED.  Like that makes any sense whatsoever.

That he did all of this is factual.  That he should have been kicked out of his position and the party like Marc Boldt was a few years back is equally obvious.

So, in the face of the overwhelming evidence that this clown is unfit to run an elevator, let alone a county REPUBLICAN party, this is the best the in-his-pocket group of RINOs could do, instead.
Resolution of Reprimand to the Chairman 
The CCRP Executive Board is collectively committed to fulfilling the work of the party and it’s[sic] Purpose as outlined in the CCRP Bylaws Article II, Sections 1-5. 
Section 1. The primary purpose of this organization is to elect Republicans who support our core principles and party platform to public office. Other purposes of this organization include but are not limited to those listed in the following sections. 
Section 2. To provide opportunities and encouragement for all interested Republicans in Clark County to participate in Republican political activities and to participate in the formulation of the Republican Party and general public policy. 
Section 3. To promote fair and open election processes in which all Republicans can participate. 
Section 4. To provide fair and open caucus and convention processes in which all Republicans can participate. 
Section 5. To promote the Core Principles of the Clark County Republican Party as adopted according to Article XIX herein. 
Whereas, It is critical that the board remain focused on accomplishing the vital work of the party to ensure that the mission and purpose are fulfilled. At the request of several members of the CCRCC, recent accusations in regard to the Chairman have been reviewed by the board. 
Whereas, The board recognizes that the Chairman has endured unrelenting political attacks for more than a year by a group of individuals who have engaged in extreme and slanderous behavior for political gain. This group has publicized new allegations of personal misconduct by the Chairman.   
Whereas the allegations the board is addressing in this resolution are directly related to the Chairman’s ongoing divorce proceedings and personal information taken from Dissolution of Marriage Documents which has been publicly exploited to discredit the Chairman and damage the CCRP. The accusations are not directly related to deficiencies in performing duties of his elected office. 
Whereas, The board does not condone certain actions of the Chairman in his personal life related to admission of a substance used in two isolated incidents that were revealed in his Dissolution of Marriage Documents.  
Whereas, the board understands that the Chairman has not repeated these actions as evidenced by documentation of voluntary laboratory testing and testimony from the Chairman. 
Whereas, The board does not condone the appalling actions of the individuals who searched through Court documents for personal information with the intent to further damage a family for political gain.  
Whereas, those who sought to cause damage by publishing the information which was in large part falsified, and those who shared this publicly in haste, are not supporting the party, its purpose, nor its values. 
Whereas, The board has reviewed the Chairman’s job performance in his elected position. The evidence suggests the Chairman has faithfully fulfilled his job duties which supports the Chairman remaining in his current elected position.  
Therefore, The board reprimands the Chairman for behavior noted in his Dissolution of Marriage documents. The board extends an offer of support to the Chairman and his family through this difficult time. The board is committed to advancing the CCRP in a positive direction and fulfilling the purpose and mission of the party.
How can you tell a board member who voted for this is lying?

Their lips are moving.

First, there are a GREAT MANY more reasons this guy should be removed from his position besides his rampant drug usage.  His past criminal record that he failed to mention, had it been known, would have kept him from being elected to dog catcher and likely kept any one of these morons from hiring him?

Not mentioned.

His post-election behavior that included... what were the words these RINOs used in this crap sandwich they put out?  "...[U]nrelenting political (and PERSONAL- edit) attacks..." against those wise enough to oppose him on social media, which included alleging that *I* had received a dishonorable discharge from the Army, among other things and, through texting on the night of the disastrous Tomi Cleavage LDD, showing me all the personal information he thought he had gathered on me and my wife as he threatened me if I refused to meet with him?

Not mentioned.

This "reprimand" doesn't address his criminal background, his despicable behavior since he was elected and it certainly fails to hold him accountable for his no doubt ongoing drug use.

Why do they attack those who provide the evidence of his conduct, REGARDLESS of source, instead of holding him in any way accountable for the conduct itself?

It acknowledges he's used drugs, but makes HIM out as the victim even though the drug usage is HIS conduct.

They, in part, base this thing on "testimony from the Chairman."

Are these people such blithering idiots they're going to take a druggie's word for it?

What do you EXPECT him to say? That he did a couple of lines before the meeting?

That's like his claim he never went to a strip club and doesn't objectify women.

The Gellatly Cult spent all this time trying to decapitate the messengers instead of holding Druggy accountable in ANY way.

These enablers are tools. Like everything else this train wreck of party leadership has done, they've spent ALL of their time attacking conservatives and NONE of their time campaigning against democrats.

Meharry, who I wouldn't allow to run an elevator for me, says it "passed without objection," as if every board member voted for this used toilet paper.

She doesn't say who all was there. She doesn't say who was absent. She's TRYING to get people to believe, without saying it, that the Board vote was unanimous.

And that is but one reason why she and the rest of the Gellatly Cult are something lower than despicable.

Any one of the group who voted for this who believes... for a moment... that this is an end to the matter should check themselves into rehab.

This will only further galvanize opposition to that simple idiot running the show and guarantee you that the PCO's at reorg are going to get rid of the lot of you.

The scum behind this may thinks it's cute. They may think it fixes everything, when all that it does is show that each and every one of the board members who approved this are corrupt enablers who really don't care either about electing Republicans who "support our core principles" OR holding anyone in their clique accountable for their misconduct.

No, Madam Vice Chair Sadly, "the focus" is NOT going to be on "electing Republicans." You and those like you seem to think that we're going to put his criminal record, his threats, his utterly bogus lawsuit against a PCO that has cost $10's of thousands of dollars, his drug use and YOUR RINO sympathies behind us like it never happened. You wrongly believe we're going to just shut up and get in line behind whatever sheep you thugs care to run, or do whatever you tell us to do.

Guess what?

Ain't happenin'.

This ends nothing. This solves nothing. And you are insane if you think it did.

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