Monday, June 25, 2018

Memo to candidates: talk to your people putting up signs and knocking down others or names are gonna get named.

Back in the day... namely, when I started volunteering for GOP campaigns, I began putting up signs.  Thousands of them.  Hundreds of 4X8's, 2X4's... uncounted yard signs.

Built them, framed them, planted them.

And in the process, that's when I discovered the issue of sign damage.

Now, for me, personally, I not only never damaged anyone else's political signs, I made it my own personal policy to repair any damaged sign I came across, regardless of party.

So, when I get word from someone I trust with my life that campaign sign people are knocking down signs of others?  I'm going to speak up.

Both sides do it.  Neither side should.

Tell your people to knock it off.  We're supposed to be above that sort of juvenile crap, and if I hear of it again, names are gonna get named, regardless of the candidate or party.

And no, I will not identify either the source or the candidate... so don't bother to ask me.

I know it's true, I know who has done it in this instance and I want it to stop.

Remember: most all information either goes through me or by me.  I wish I didn't know half of what I do know.

But knock off knocking down signs.


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