Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Another pathetic fundraising letter from Jaime Herrera.

SOMEONE has to be honest here and it certainly isn’t her… so it will be me.

This money she raises here isn’t for her: it’s for the NRCC, the National Republican Campaign Committee.

Herrera uses this money to buy her seats on her different committees.

It’s been laid out in videos and articles, such as this one based on an interview of Rep. Thomas Massie
FLATWOODS Every election cycle, U.S. Congressman Thomas Massie said he is “extorted” by the Republican Party to pay $300,000 for his committee assignments.

“I call it extortion, they call it assessments,” he said.

These “assessments,” essentially dues to the Republican party, are fundraised through political action committees and lobbyists as a price to pay for committee positions, Massie told a crowd of about 25 during a recent coffee and pizza forum in Flatwoods. 
He told them, “I can’t go and do a fundraiser and raise $300,000 and stand up in front of people and tell them, ‘Well, you know what? It’s not really about the election. I need the money to buy a committee seat.’”
Rep. Massie says “I can’t go and do a fundraiser and raise $300,000 and stand up in front of people and tell them, ‘Well, you know what? It’s not really about the election. I need the money to buy a committee seat.’”

Well, Jaime Herrera can’t say that either…but that is the reality.

Now for some, Herrera’s lack of accomplishments in Congress is what they want.  The LAST thing they want is a leader… a Trey Gowdy type who asks the tough questions, or a Clay Higgins (R-LA03) type who has passed more bills into law during his 18 months in Congress than Herrera has during her 7.5 years.

So, we have an empty suit occupying a seat where someone COULD actually accomplish something to be proud of.

Instead, we’ve got a cardboard cutout of a congressional member who has failed us.  Repeatedly.

She continues to fail to have even a remote plan to solve the most pressing issue confronting the people of SW Washington, our cross-river transportation problems.

This clueless empty suit who has managed to suck up enough money to get a seat on Appropriations and seats on three different Transportation sub-committees, including the subcommittee on Highways and Transit.

Imagine… those committees… and NOTHING when it comes to solving the cross-river transportation issue in all these years she’s been there.


She continues to attack the President, thereby continuing to isolate this, the 3rd Congressional District as she joins with her fellow leftists in opposing the President’s agenda as she has opposed the president since before election night in 2016… just like her fellow leftists… to include sounding just like Patty Murray or Maria Cantwell on the issue of immigration…. Quite unsurprisingly.

She has failed us by voting to keep the hated and crippling Obama Care.  She continues to lack the guts to hold town hall meetings and she continues to ignore the expressed desires of the people of her district, instead kowtowing to the special interests who keep their pet congresswoman elected at our expense.

And she continues with these absurd fundraising letters, trying to get us you part with money so SHE can continue to buy her committee seat that she then fails to do anything of note with, even when she gets the damned thing.

Meanwhile, what has she done?  How is this district any different than it would be had we never heard of this political opportunist who lives to get reelected when she SHOULD live to represent US?

Had we never heard of her, things would be no worse but they surely could have been markedly better.

We COULD have had a member of congress who was far more concerned about doing the will of the people than she is being an establishment puppet, frightened of her own shadow.

She has more than enough money to defeat any democrat running in the primary.  She claims she needs this money and whines about her “opponent,” presumably Long, about being a carpetbagger.

Well, is this where I remind the reader that Herrera, herself, was the exact, same, thing?

For at least the 10 years before Cathy McMorris parachuted her in here to run against Brian Baird, she hadn’t lived here and hadn’t accomplished anything of note where she HAD lived.

She knew nothing about our issues and could care less about them then as she cares less about them now, best illustrated by her constant and rabid support of the CRC/Loot Rail/Toll scam that her downtown mafia masters want from her.

Which explains why she’s never presented a plan to deal with our cross-river transportation issues… since those who own her like the 13th Amendment was never passed have demanded her support of their I-5 bridge replacement loot rail rip off… at the cost of a paltry $100,000,000 in tolls per year getting sucked out of our communities local economy… to begin with.

The woman is so sadly incompetent that she cannot even get a bill out of the Republican-controlled House of Representatives to end the specter of Oregon sinking additional fangs into the jugular of the commuting public who live in Clark County and points north.

Re-elect her?

For what?

To do… what?  More nothingness?  More of the same disappearing act?

And oh yeah, be a good little lamb and send her a check, won’t you?

Can’t let her lose those fat committee seats she does… and accomplishes… nothing with, except to be a big hit on the party/lobbyist circuit in DC, right?

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