Saturday, June 23, 2018

Leftist hatred and politics.

So, as it turns out, yet another Trump Administration official, in this case, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, was forced to leave a restaurant along with seven family members on "moral grounds."

You can read the article here:

This, of course, is a further inching forward to armed conflict with the left, as these people verbally attack and deny rights to their political opponents without fear of retribution or retaliation.

Leftist hypocrisy and double standards are endemic.  Their inability to apply the same standards to themselves that they apply to everyone else is the stuff of legend.

Increasingly, given a lack of typical political issues (Economy, health care, spending, and foreign policy) the left is bereft of actual, real, political issues to run on.

What they do is they disguise hatred and present it as political issues.

Most recently, was their hypocritical insanity over blaming the President for a law signed into effect by President Clinton back in 1997.

So, we have riots; sit ins, protests of all varieties

We have leftist pols trying to make hay off this situation (The Mayor of Seattle felt the need to go to the border?  Why?) And the leftist media engage in propaganda about it (Time Magazine immediately comes to mind) as if they were giving "in-kind" political contributions.

The basis for all of this, of course, is leftist hatred.

You can take an issue.... (Such as, for example, Mr. Trump's decision to ban people from certain Muslim countries) and the leftist scum looking for an issue lose their minds.

Of course, when Obama did THE EXACT SAME THING, where was their outage?  Where we the moronic press conferences by political lowlifes like Sideshow Bob or Inslee?


What's the difference?

Leftist, partisan, hatred.

It's not about what's right or wrong.

Going back to the Huckabee Sanders issue, for example.  What would the media reaction be if, for example, this had happened to one of Obama's mouthpieces during his regime?

What if a restaurant owner threw out, say, Hillary Clinton because she's pro-abortion?  What if that happened NOW?

I mean, leftist wouldn't complain, would they?

After all, this dive has set the bar, haven't they?

NOW, according to the left, you can discriminate based on who someone works for.

Don't like union members?

Throw them out.

Don't like what the military is doing?

By all means, throw the men and women defending us out on their collective asses.

Police officers?  Why, many in the leftist movements want them dead.  Some have acted on their desire.  Police blood has spilled as a result.... to the essentially complete silence of leftist politicians.

But throw out a leftist from a restaurant because of their political persuasion?

All hell would break loose.

Every day, leftist hatred expands their envelope.  Assaults by fringe-left groups against their political opponents are common place.  Silencing speakers to the right of Mao?  Just another day to the left.

It's OK for leftists to beat people up who disagree with them.  It's OK to riot if something happens they don't like (the insanity of the Portland riots the day after the election in 2016?  Yeah, because it makes PERFECT sense to wreck a community that voted with you upwards of 90%) It's OK to silence speakers who disagree with you, because, well, that Freedom of Speech thing?

No problem.  That doesn't apply to the opponents of the left.

And we accept the assault on the rights of non-leftists BY the left as common-place.

If the roles ever reversed?

Blood would be flowing in the streets.

And that's the problem

This situation is not getting better... it's getting worse.

There are some complexities here to be sure.  But a political litmus test to patronize a business?

As these leftists creep forward, they are going to begin to talk less and assault more.  Right now, the assaults of officials are mostly verbal... but we cannot forget the shooting of Rep. Scalise at a softball practice and the horrific assault of Sen. Rand Paul.

Does anyone reading this believe this aspect of our political interactions is suddenly going to revert to the hope against hope of civility?

You shouldn't.  The left is doing all they can to attack our constitutional rights.

What do we do about it?  Good question.  Buy more ammunition?  I don't know.

But the problem is here, it's now and it's very, very real.

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