Wednesday, June 06, 2018

D-Day and Kaeperpick

I saw this today and had to repost.  It's from Mark Woods, forwarded to the Facebook Veterans for Life group.

Mark Woods‎ to Army Veterans for Life

38 mins · 

One of the best memes ever created, exposing the gulf between the sacrifice of the Greatest Generation and the self-entitled narcissism that defines so many individuals in the Snowflake Generations of today.

No matter what their alleged reasons... or what they claim they want to accomplish... this is why I've stopped watching the NFL at any level... Because this is what it boils down to.

The recent minor rule change to ASK the players to, effectively, knock this crap off simply isn't enough.  And I expect their ratings will continue to fall as a result of people getting sick of these multi-millionaire spoiled rotten punks who get paid a fortune TO PLAY A GAME, moralize to the world while they're not beating their wives or girlfriends... while doing nothing about, for example, the slaughterhouse that is Chicago.

Don't misunderstand me:  as a Veteran, I took an oath to support and defend the Constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic.  I support their right to protest anything they want, whenever and however they want to.  That's the freedom this country offers.


They have precisely zero right to protest anything once they show up for work.  The NFL has been fining players for years over what they say, what they wear, what they write on their shoes, wrist bands and so on.  Hundreds of thousands of dollars.

And no one has protested that.  Why not?

And yet now, these thugs believe they have some sort of nonexistent RIGHT to show disrespect to... for example... the others in that picture.

Because no matter what they CLAIM... that's what they do.

And none of us have that "right" at work.  If you think that right exists, then try a political protest at work some time and see what happens.

They did it ONLY because the NFL allowed them to do it... and continue to allow them to do it.

If the NFL wanted it to stop... it would stop.

It's like saying the National Hockey League doesn't want fighting.  We all know better, right?

And now, the NFL wants to play patty-cake with these guys in the hopes they'll stop.

Why should they?  Why WOULD they?

Look at the picture.  It's what I see every time I hear about it... or see it.  Sadly, it's what I'll always see as I go the rest of my life without ever watching another NFL game.


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