Saturday, May 12, 2018

The oddly democrat party-like reaction to the Gellatly story.

With the now common knowledge that during his tenure as the local GOP party chair, it would seem that David Gellatly has engaged in illegal use of hard drugs during his tenure, any number of reactions could have been expected... but I had no idea they would follow the democrat playbook so closely.

We all remember the reaction to the multiple Wikileaks exposés that showed the democrat party staff to frequently be racist, sexist and, in effect, guilty of rigging the primary to hand it over to Hillary, right?

The democrats were livid.  They were angry.  They were what you might expect except for one tiny detail:  none of that was aimed at the democrats who engaged in their hate-filled, hypocritical activity.

Oh, no.  It was all aimed at those who leaked the information that did such a great job of accurately portraying the democrats as who they actually are.

I've come to find out that the buzz out there is that I've been PAID to write stories like this.  That it's somehow off limits because it's the product of his divorce file.  That he's dealing with "personal problems."  That I'm NOT a "Republican."

Among the Gellatly cult, there's no crime he can commit that the RINOs in the cult won't excuse.

The stunning hypocrisy of it all.

I've asked the rhetorical question: 
I have to wonder: if this had been another one of Gellatly's DUI's and these drugs had been found by the police... and he had been arrested for possession... would the Gellatly cult still feel this way?

Hard drug use... and for that matter, even pot... is grounds not only for dismissal but for failing to be hired in the first place.  It is mind-boggling that the Gellatly cultists who are well aware of these facts seem incapable of applying them to the CCRP Chair.

And the word for that is hypocrisy.
Instead of holding this guy accountable for his behavior, they make excuses for him.  "He's getting help for it" we're told, although the records would indicate, perhaps, that he's making no serious effort at "getting help."

We're told that "in the business world, there are policies and procedures to deal with all manner of problems, and they don't include immediate resignation."

Why someone otherwise educated would lie like that is simply beyond belief.

MANY businesses out there view drug use of any kind as grounds for IMMEDIATE termination.

Why do so many businesses out there actually require drug screening as a condition of employment?

This type of DELIBERATE self-delusion is a symptom of the problem.  When they feel like it, there's no lie they won't tell, no blind eye they won't turn.

Instead, the excuses for his abhorrent behavior, which goes way beyond this issue of drug usage, continue to spill over.

The false claim that he's "getting help" reverberates amongst the RINO clique as their excuse for doing nothing.  It's the reason they want to keep HIS face as the face of the local GOP.  His tenure has been disaster after disaster.  His hobby of threatening people who oppose him, lying about them, attacking them on social media, brooks no response from his acolytes and those of us on the receiving end are now charged with not being Christian if we call for his resignation.

The absurdity of such a response is self evident.  Would a church put up with a pastor who uses hard drugs?  Would they allow a Leader of the Flock to continue on in that position if he was solving his "personal problems" by taking coke, meth and methadone?  And what is methadone used for primarily anyway?

Some of the cult tools are claiming that what's going on here now is because "Next week is filing week for PCO's for party control.  These guys would do ANYTHING to regain power."

Yeah, Carolyn Crain, and you would do anything to keep it.  Including excuse hard drug use on the part of the clown running the show.

It's that kind of political paranoia that is so obvious.  If this had been available a year ago, I would have put it up a year ago.  There is ZERO mystery to the timing of it: it became available very recently, so it got put up now... after all, what is the point in keeping this information from the public?  Why do the Carolyn Crain types want to keep you from knowing this?  Why shouldn't this kind of information factor into the process?  Why do the RINOs want to keep you all in the dark?

Crain goes on to characterize me as a "NON-Republican," she of the "Let's oppose Republican Liz Pike for county chair so we can get Young Democrat-endorsed, self-admitted NON-Republican Marc Boldt the job instead."

She also busts my chops for, she says, getting "tossed off legislative staff in Olympia for his skills in smearing people."  I have to admit, I bow to hers, which make mine look like a rank amateur, and I bow to her buddy Gellatly's who once claimed I had received a dishonorable discharge from the Army...  although her staunch defense of a guy who sent me information to trash her on my blog has always been a mystery to me.

Some other ignorant wrote another lie: "Convicted murderers, and sex offenders right here in Clark county[sic] don't even get this."

Casey, you ought to check this out: Click here to search for offenders in your area

The irony, of course, again, is they are ignoring the evidence of Gellatly's actions, and instead expressing outrage at how the evidence was made public and where it was from.

PRECISELY like the democrats did with Wikileaks.

They go on in this vein... the lies, the exaggerations, the half-truths, the attacks against me, personally.

Gellatly has a record stretching back years.  Theft, DUI's, bench warrants, failures to appear, evictions.

And now, self-admitted drug use.  Yet, these people seem to think that he's getting "help?"  Do they REALLY think he's getting "better?"

Would these same people, knowing that this was his record while they owned a business ever even consider hiring someone like this?

I'd love to ask them.

And then, since their answer would obviously be "no," I would ask them:  Why are you being such hypocrites now?

In the business world, those found engaging in this kind of criminal activity are, typically, SUSPENDED at a minimum until they can prove, to the satisfaction of those running said business, that they are clean.  In the military?  You get one strike... and you're out.

Clearly, there are many alternatives to doing nothing as if none of this was happening available, although the obvious alternative is to get rid of Gellatly.

NONE of these RINOs want to hold Gellatly accountable for HIS actions of any kind.  Threats?  No problem.  Lies?  Goes with the territory.  Incompetence?  Meh.  Hard drugs?  Well, he says he's getting help, although the EVIDENCE suggests otherwise.

I'm sure if he were convicted of armed robbery, these morons would want him to continue to be party chair.

But I am somehow not to be believed, or trusted, or listened to... EVEN WITH EVIDENCE... when I break news.

Not because I'm making any of it up... after all, the evidence speaks for itself.

But because a major effort to lessen the impact of such news is their whining, sniveling, low-life effort to discredit... or kill... the messenger.

Am I, as a former executive director of the State GOP, a Republican?

Not if it requires me to support these scum.  Not if it requires me to reward Republican candidates who lie to get into office, lie while IN office and who completely ignore the people,,, and the districts... and the cities who elected them as THEY vote like democrats.

With the RINOs, it's apparently OK to vote LIKE a democrat, but somehow bad to vote FOR a democrat when the alternative is to vote in fake Republicans... who would wind up voting like democrats anyway.

Regardless.  Does ANY of this change ANY of the evidence?

Of course not.  The evidence speaks for itself.

Clark County Today took a look.  Go read their article.

Gotta wonder if Crain demanded CCT take their article down like she demanded Liz Pike take her thread on Facebook on the subject down?  In fact, I gotta wonder if Crain has made any effort to discredit Kenny Vance at all.

Somehow... I don't think so.

1 comment:

  1. I'm simply a voter in Clark County. I prefer to vote for candidates who support efficiency in government and low taxes. I am simply amazed at the antics of this clown who's the "head" of the Republican party in Clark County. I'm also seriously disappointed with most of the Republican office holders (and especially those who coordinated to block David Madore from the County Council). When I escaped from California 6 years ago, I was initially "refreshed" by the local political environment, but sadly the bunch of RINOs we have here are mostly worthless as politicians. While I can't bring myself to vote for a "progressive" ... that doesn't mean that I will vote FOR someone I don't respect with or without an "R" after their name. I may well 'skip' those contests where it's clear that a self-serving RINO is running for office.

    As for calling on Gellatly to resign, it is VERY common in business (just read the Wall Street Journal regularly and you'll see many resignations of "disgraced" executives). Indeed, good thing that Gellatly doesn't live in Japan or Switzerland, both places where executives who've "lost face" regularly commit suicide as a "means of atonement."

    quoting from Wikipedia: The cultural heritage of suicide as a noble tradition still has some resonance. While being investigated for an expenses scandal, Cabinet minister Toshikatsu Matsuoka took his life in 2007.
    [Also] in the case of Japan Air Lines Flight 123 the maintenance manager Hiroo Tominaga killed himself to apologize to the victims.

    Resignation is the LEAST that Gellatly could do.


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