Thursday, May 10, 2018

Won't be running for the 18th.

Earlier, I floated the idea of running against Hoff, the RINO's designated hitter in their anti-conservative crusade.  I appreciated the response.  However, I can't do it just now.

There are a few reasons why, but at this point, the biggest reason is medical.

I do have some substantial surgery coming up that would limit my ability to effectively campaign.  For example, pounding a yard sign in would, effectively, be impossible.

Hopefully, some other strong conservative steeped in true Republican tenets and willing to represent based on the ideals of small, cheaper, more effective government that is actually responsive to the people they supposedly were elected to serve.

Sadly, that will not include the puppet Ann Rivers rounded up to take Liz Pike's place in the House.  Like Rivers, he'll vote to raise our taxes like any other RINO, do what he can to resurrect that hated, unneeded, unwanted and unaffordable CRC/Loot Rail scam known as the I-5 Bridge replacement.

Do your best to hold him accountable if someone else doesn't step up... but don't be disappointed if he turns out to be yet another Rivers lapdog.

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