Monday, May 14, 2018

Winner of the irony of the day award? Lew Waters and Carolyn Crain!

I don't know who that other clown is... so his opinion is of no importance anyway.

Meanwhile, the hypocrisy of this is obvious:

Both Waters and Crain routinely engage in the very thing they condemn here.

Waters is legendary for his sniveling over David Madore, and Crain's babbling (Marc Boldt IS a Republican (even though he's publicly declared he isn't)) and HER smears (WHO isn't a Republican?  Crain supported a certain moron who'd been endorsed by the Young Democrats) towards anyone to the right of Lenin opposed to Herrera should, rhetorically, speaking, be hung.

Crain, you see, can say whatever she wants, whenever and however she wants.  In fact, she even says as much:

Carolyn Crain Lorinda Mae Lane Silliman I am free to express my opinion on something on I am on the inside of and thus see clearly the efforts from those around me. I'll add you to the long prayer list that is developing.

Strange that SHE is "free to express HER opinion" but Liz?  Well, Crain ALSO says:
Carolyn Crain The load being spread out there right now is being done in perfect timing to undermine the county party at the Lincoln Day Dinner fundraiser. I suggest as an elected official that you consider taking down this post or acknowledging that you paid KJ Hinton for his "political consulting" a known NON Republican who was tossed out of the legislative staff in Olympia for his skills in smearing people. I call on you Liz to act more appropriately in this case and take down this post.
Besides lying about me... and attempting some of her well-known character assassination, Crain doesn't bother to address the meat of this issue... oh, no... she just wants Pike to take the link down.

Gotta wonder why?  What's Crain so afraid of?

Odd that both Lefty Lew and Crain would condemn the very thing they engage in themselves.

Like most in the RINO Clique, they're far more concerned about attacking those wise enough to oppose them than they are the democrats; after all, those they support, regardless of party label, vote like democrats, so the end result is the same.

Idiotic statements they make like this are their privilege, and unlike Waters, I'd never censor them... and unlike Crain, I'd never demand anyone take them down.

Because I don't care who reads this... unlike some.

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