Thursday, May 03, 2018

The lies from Herrera never end: bogus fund raising letters

Back in the day, when Herrera was parachuted in here to run against Brian Baird, one of the many falsities Herrera used to impress her way into the job was the claim that she was something called a “Senior Legislative Assistant” for Cathy McMorris.

None of it was true, of course.  She was a junior staffer for the entire time she was working for McMorris… and in fact, records show she never made more than $34,000 per year, hardly the salary of a “senior” anything in Washington D.C.

Herrera and her people blew her record up like a puffer fish.  Little of it was true… much like the absolute lies of her idiotic, unnecessary fund raising letters.

The irony of this letter cannot be overstated:
“On the day she announced she had moved from Oregon to launch her campaign against me, my opponent told a room packed full of supporters (and how idiotic is it to refer to her “opponent’s” strong support?”) 
“This toxic climate has spread throughout our country, and we’ve found it here in Southwest Washington.
Oddly enough, before Herrera graced us with HER presence, she hadn’t live here for over a decade.

So, I guess it’s OK when Herrera wants to parachute in from the other side of the country, but not so OK when someone wants to cross the Columbia.

But then, Herrera was flat out reduced to lying to raise money for her buddies in Congress: she’s already got more than enough to win this election.

Like this tidbit:
“She also forgot to tell you that while I was leading the charge in Congress to cut your taxes, she believes you aren’t taxed enough – and that she would lead the charge to raise them.”
I had no idea that Herrera was leading anything.  And she had no idea she was, either.

This letter, then, is a lie.  Lie after lie.

She can’t even figure out a way to keep Oregon from tolling us… and yet, SHE was “leading the charge to cut our taxes?”  Who knew that she was the one in charge of cutting taxes in the House?

Even more than the various leaders, committee chairs and senior members and the like.

Folks, here’s the reality: Herrera doesn’t need our money.  She’s raising it to give it to the Republican National Congressional Committee to get other Republicans elected and to keep other Republicans elected.

So, what does she do to accomplish that?  She fills a fund raising letter full of lies, including the lie that even if Long DID win… SHE, as a back-bencher even less senior than Herrera, would be allowed to lead anything anymore than Herrera did.

Herrera goes on to blast Long for failing to “call out” Minority Leader Pelosi for her demands to increase taxes.

Well, I didn’t hear a lot from Herrera over Rivers’ and the then GOP-controlled State Senate’s massive property tax increases, or gas tax/tab fee increases.

So, I guess not ALL tax increases are bad… just the ones Herrera doesn’t happen to like.
And then this:
"I won’t allow anyone – whether it’s someone who moved here from Oregon to run against me, or someone who pulls the liberal purse strings in our nation’s capital – smear my name or pull the wool over the eyes of our long-time friends and neighbors.”
Unless, of course, the one doing the wool pulling is named Herrera, like she is in this letter.

And a quick reminder: Herrera actually cosponsored the democrat effort to force child care workers to unionize... the one that caused GOP House members to walk off the floor of the House instead of voting.

Politics is a filthy business.  And garbage like this is partially why.

Feel free to send her all the money you want up to whatever the limits are.  But just know in advance that she’s not going to be using it: someone else will.

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