Friday, May 04, 2018

Interesting rumor spreading around: That the Clark County GOP does not allow concealed carry of guns at their Executive Board meetings.

I get that two of the women on said board seem to have a problem with the public bringing in lawfully concealed weapons into their meetings.

As a result, the buzz is, such weapons are "banned."

Well, as it turns out, private property owners have no right to ban weapons in the state of Washington, sign posted or not.. and no such sign is posted there because such a sign would make those idiots into the political laughing stock of the state.  That applies not only to GOP Headquarters during public meetings but anywhere else you can think of (Buffalo Wild Wings, movie theaters and the like included. There are a few rare exceptions such as some mental health facilities, but....)

And the party that champions the 2nd Amendment doing such a thing? Well, that's just typical of the RINO fungus infesting the Party leadership here locally.

During court proceedings on David Gellatly's moronic lawsuit last Friday, his attorney made the specious and idiotic claim that Gellatly had been the subject of a "kidnapping attempt."

While it's entirely possible that our moron of a Party chair and his lackeys have foamed themselves into a lather over the pretense of many conservatives showing up at a GOP Board meeting a few months back, it's odd that the police weren't ever called on that and no charges were ever filed on that.

But the reality is clear:

That someone is disliked does not meet the standard needed to ban them from a public meeting on private property.

That someone is nervous about weapons does not meet the standard needed to keep those possessing them out of public meetings on private property.

That someone does not toe the RINO political line does not rise to the standard required to keep them from attending a public meeting on private property.

I reckon I'll be moseying on down to such a meeting here directly.

Those who believe I've got it wrong somehow can feel free to set me straight here, but please quote chapter and verse if you're going to do so.  What you "think" isn't all that much better than what *I* think.

So show me the law here in Washington.  ALWAYS looking to be set straight.

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