Saturday, May 05, 2018

As expected, the billions wasted on education in Washington State have shown nothing in improvement

As I have postulated, the massive waste of billions arranged by Sen. Ann "Property Tax Increase" Rivers will not result in any real increase of positive outcomes.

By now, you've noted the explosion in our property taxes as Rivers continues to shovel billions in the WEA black hole.

That such massive increases were... and are... quite unnecessary aside, the reality is that Rivers bankruptcy gambit lacked even the most rudimentary requirements from positive increases, measurable increases in student outcomes.

Not only is there no such requirement for better outcomes, there was no way to measure and report on those outcomes installed in the bill.  And this is where organizations like the Washington Policy Center come in.

Their latest?  Bleak:

New government report shows massive $9.7 billion increase in education spending provided no improvement for Washington students


Apr 27, 2018

Key Findings
  1. The federal government just announced 2017 scores for Washington’s 4th and 8th graders on the NAEP, the national test given every two years to measure student progress in math, science, reading and writing.
  2. Washington’s leaders promised more spending on schools would improve student learning results.
  3. Since 2009 the state of Washington has increased spending on the schools by $9.7 billion, a 75 percent increase.
  4. 2017 NAEP scores show test scores have barely budged. The achievement gap between minority and white students remains as large as ever.
  5. Other states are finding that student learning improves when parents are given access to public charter schools, Education Savings Accounts, vouchers, online learning, and other forms of school choice.
  6. More money has not improved public schools. Further, state data show that in 2017 administrators sent 160,000 Washington state children to 253 failing public schools.
When you have a legislature so completely out of touch with the people they would govern.... when you have what is euphemistically called "representation" that has caused so much damage to the people... isn't it time to get rid of those who are behind this rape of our checkbooks?

I knew... and repeatedly wrote... that this would be the outcome of this idiocy.  There has never been any direct correlation between money and outcomes.

Case in point?  My FAV school district, Baltimore:

13 Baltimore City High Schools, zero students proficient in math

So, must be a poor, underfunded district, eh?

Except, of course, it isn't:

Baltimore public schools among top districts in country when it comes to per student spending

The Baltimore City Public School System spent the fourth most per student during the 2014 fiscal year out of the 100 largest public school districts in the country, according to a new report by the U.S. Census Bureau.

This means that others have gone before us in wasting billions while lacking in teacher accountability, school district accountability or government accountability in finding out why these massive expenditures are, effectively, worthless.

If money solved education problems, Baltimore would be punching out geniuses like movie tickets, considering how much they've been spending.

I knew that the Rivers Plan was utterly worthless.  I knew that the Legislature should have ignored the Supreme Court, who can no more require the Legislature to legislate than the Legislature can require the Supreme Court to adjudicate.

Yeah... I knew all that.

How is it that those in charge did NOT know?

And this is why anyone who voted for the budget that screwed property owners in this state shouldn't be allowed to run an elevator, let alone be elected to positions of authority.

When are we ever going to learn?  When will they figure out that they, both individually and as a group, are answerable to the PEOPLE... and NOT to the Courts.


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