Monday, May 07, 2018

It stands to reason the democratian wants to get rid of the super-majority: if it were up to that rag, we wouldn't be allowed to vote at all!

Ahhhhh, yesss... the fringe-left version of the official Nazi newspaper, the Völkischer Beobachter, the local Columbian (or, as their politics show, the local democratian) wants to do away with the supermajority that kept the Battle Ground School Bond from passing.


But of course, were it up to the rag of the left, they'd get rid of the Electoral College as well.

In fact, if they could figure out a way to do it, they'd eliminate the vote altogether... PARTICULARLY when the outcome opposed a part of the democratian agenda.

Ponder, if you will, the number of issues where the rag actually supported holding a vote.

Here's a few to consider:

1.  The CRC/Loot Rail Scam.
2.  The Pollard Hilton
3.  Riverfront Development
4.  The Ballpark scam
5.  Tab fees
6.  Gas tax increases
7.  the Vancouver head tax

Of those issues, how many did the cancer on our community believe should be decided by the voters?

After all, WE are paying the bills for their agenda, aren't we?

I won't keep you in suspense:  the number of those issues or, essentially, about any issue you can think of where they wanted the voice of the voting public heard is hovering right around zero.  In fact, this very rag urged the voters to boycott the advisory votes set up by the then Clark County Commission... so even when we HAD the vote, they didn't want us to use it.

Remember the advisory votes?  The votes put together by then Commissioners Madore and Mielke?

This was the rag's take on it:
There is, as spelled out by the Founding Fathers more than 200 years ago, a difference between direct democracy and representative democracy. Rather than establish a direct democracy — one in which the citizenry votes on governmental decisions both enormous and miniscule — this nation's founders had the foresight to create a representative democracy in which elected representatives vote on behalf of the people.
The purpose of bringing this up is not to spark a constitutional debate, but rather to discuss the merits of advisory measures that will appear before Clark County voters when ballots for the general election are mailed out Oct. 16. Of the six advisory measures — again, they are nonbinding — five of them deal in some fashion with mass transit. Important topics, sure, yet the measures are confusing and will settle nothing in the ongoing debate. We urge a "no" vote on Advisory Votes Nos. 1-5.
They don't want us to be allowed to have ANY say.  Whenever the voters stand up to these downtown mafia types, the rag spins it into something designed to make the outcome worthless in their eyes.

And of the tax increases confronting the voting public, how often does this embarrassment to journalism oppose the tax in question?

When the issue is on the democratian's agenda?


The rest of the time, from the rip off of the CTran sales tax increase where the better part of 60,000 voters were kept from having any say to almost every bond and levy issue, the rag almost always thinks that jacking our taxes up is just, well, spiffy.

So, yeah... of course the rag wants the supermajority on bond votes done away with for the same reason they want the voters eliminated from the approval process of any tax or fee increase:  because jacking up our taxes fits their meme.

They do NOT, for example, want the "supermajority" requirement of the US Senate overturned, do they?

If the democrats were in charge in the US Senate as the GOP is, they would not only NOT want the supermajority overturned, they'd call it the bedrock of our democracy.

When it comes to that, all of their excuses for overturning the supermajority requirement on bond votes fly out the window at warp speed.

It's not that the rag is run by a bunch of hypocrites; after all, to be a leftist is to be a hypocrite. It's more that their hypocrisy, well, reeks.

In sniveling about the Battle Ground outcome, it is also of note that the rag completely ignored the massive property tax increases engineered by Sen. Ann "Gas Tax" Rivers, who is also best known for screwing her district... and Clark County... by betraying the people on her lies over her pledge to oppose both gas tax and tab fee increases; lies she skillfully used to get elected Senator back in 2012... because, after all, what's $700 million going to solve King and Spokane County's transportation issues instead of our own?

MASSIVE property tax increases were the order of the day, increases which again, thanks to the GOP-controlled state senate, we had zero say over.

The democratian tends to view the people of this community as an unending source of funds for the projects THEY want:  The CRC/Loot Rail Scam that would have... and will... cost us over $100,000,000 in tolls every year; the taxpayer-subsidized Pollard Hilton (has that financial wreck ever made a profit?) "downtown redevelopment", a head tax, tab fees, giving buildings away to enrich developers, building ballparks for millionaires... all at the expense of hundreds of thousands of Clark County residents who would never have set foot in their scam.

And did the rag want us to be given the opportunity to vote on ANY of these issues?

Of course not.

Want to get rid of the supermajority?  Whatever happened to the effort to move these bond elections to general election dates in every even-yeared November?

Well, we can't have THAT, can we?  Because the more people voting?

The less likely one of these rip offs have to pass the ballot.

The entire idea of the supermajority is to protect the people from the tyranny of the majority.  But this effort on the part of the democratian doesn't impress me, because I seemed to forget any similar effort to get the Eyman-inspired Legislative supermajority initiatives, which required a supermajority of legislators to vote to pass tax increases... initiatives passed overwhelmingly and repeatedly... only to be struck down by our utterly worthless and equally tyrannical Supreme Court.

That's the reality: the hypocrites at the democratian only want to get rid of the supermajority when it suits them.  But where was the clarion call for the Legislature to put the supermajority initiative that passed so many times in this state to change the state's constitution over THAT issue?  In their world, the world of the political hypocrite, the vote that REPEATEDLY passed by the majorities of every county in this state was utterly and totally meaningless.

I also missed their bleating over the supermajority requirement in the past two years of total "GOP" control of government at the federal level... because at the federal level, the votes of "thousands of citizens" as expressed by the majority in the Senate is meaningless when those votes oppose the leftist agenda.

Figures, it is said, don't lie.  But liars DO figure.

Just like the local newspaper.

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