Thursday, May 24, 2018

The Hoff Problem.

Sigh.... Larry Hoff.

I don't know who's writing this pap for him (You can bet HE ain't) but man, come ON.

As I connect with the citizens of the district, it is my hope that over the next few months I will earn the respect and trust of those I seek to represent.
Too late for that, Hoff.  You've made it clear that while your political cowardice is the kind that RINOs love to see (And if you weren't a good little sock-puppet, there's no way any of your fellow RINOs would have endorsed you) the sad fact is that those you "seek to represent" ain't us.

Those you WILL represent... Rivers, the Wilsons, Vick and the rest of the special interest jockeys and such.... they already "trust" you.  After all, they know you're going to be a good little RINO sock puppet, even though you practically know absolutely nothing about the issues confronting this district or this community.

John Ley FORGETS more every day about transportation issues than you will EVER know.  But since your job is to simply further the RINO agenda of the CRC and to raise our taxes and fees as badly as Wilson and Rivers, you really don't need to know anything more except to vote for whatever you're told.  And how hard is that?

A quick look at your so-called "issues page" confirms it.  You've got a few words about a few things, but one thing IS for sure: YOU don't tell us ANYTHING about what YOU are going to DO... or HOW you are GOING to do it... or what you'll OPPOSE... if you ARE elected.

That makes you, at best, a political coward.

Yeah, those you represent "trust" you.  Sadly, it seems that the "those" you represent doesn't include your constituents.  And ask you a question you don't like on your Facebook page, and what do you do?  You delete it and block the questioner.

I've asked you a series of questions and you've ignored them all.  I'd vote for Jim Moeller before I'd vote for a clown like you, because in my experience, even when I've disagreed with him, he at least ANSWERS.

Unlike you.

And who are your keepers?  Just those responsible for the biggest property tax increases and gas tax increases this state has ever seen.

And how are you going to be any different?

You're not.  And that, frankly, is sickening.

Your win would be a loss for us all.  A gutless political coward who simply doesn't care what we think or want.

Your "campaign," which ain't been much, has at least made THAT clear.

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