Thursday, May 24, 2018

Sen. Ann "Property Tax" Rivers admits to being a "rhino."

Yeah, the Hoff outing was quite the little soiree', I hear.

Every elected RINO and RINO supporter in SW Washington was there, but apparently "Gas Tax" Rivers was the only one who publicly admitted the obvious: that she, in fact, was a "rhino."

Of course, I know the different spellings.  And we all know that Rivers is the very definition of the term "Republican In Name Only."

But it's been reported to me that Rivers actually said something there to the effect of "you bet I'm a Rhino. Rhinos have thick skin." Obviously, Rivers is confused.  Rhinos are strong, stubborn, fearless animals, respected everywhere.  Rivers on the other hand, has long since morphed into something.... else.  Something dishonest.  Something disgraceful.  Something more suited to representing downtown Seattle than the 18th District.

Clearly, she's gotten her skins mixed up.

RINOs, on the other hand, are sniveling cowards with no integrity.  They'll lie to your face without a second thought and then vote like they're getting paid by a democrat campaign firm... kinda like, come to think of it, our fake Republican Senator was going to get paid by a democrat campaign firm while she was "negotiating" over the multi-billion dollar screwing she put on all of us.

Well, it's nice to know that she admits the obvious, that she is, in fact a RINO.  But I seriously doubt that the people of the 18th District will be thrilled by her admission of what most paying attention already knew.

And from other reports I've been getting, it's fairly clear that Rivers has the thinnest skin of all.

The RINO allegation lives in not only her head, but the heads of every one of the scum who betray us and betray Republicanism.  She's freaked about it before I'm hearing, and she'll freak about it again.

You see if it wasn't an issue for the woman responsible for the largest, most massive gas tax, tab fee and property tax increases this state has ever known?

She'd never mention it.  That she DOES mention it...and a lot?

That means just the opposite.

As we slowly gear up for the election in 2020, "Gas Tax" better get used to it.

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