Wednesday, May 23, 2018

UPDATE: Teams are telling Goddell to drop dead. NFL obliterates bogus 1st Amendment argument but accomplishes nothing #TOOLATE

UPDATE:  The New York Jets have, effectively, told Goddell and the rest of the NFL to drop dead.

Jets' Christopher Johnson says he won't fine players who kneel during anthem

So, these overpaid prima donnas will, in many instances, continue their chidish behavior while Goddell fiddles.

Here's the reality: it has been my position and the position of employment law that these morons have no right to protest anything as long as they are in uniform.  That is the law for the military and that's good enough for me.  Meanwhile, those claiming some 1st Amendment right for these people to act stupid have clearly never read it and, as a result, have no understanding that the 1st Amendment ONLY applies to GOVERNMENT efforts... not those in a private employment situation.

I'd make it even more simple:  For the first offense, the offending player would be ejected without pay.  For the second offense, they would be ejected for the next 16 games AND for any post-season play.  And for the 3rd offense, they'd be permanently banned from ever playing in the NFL.

Let those morons go play in Canada and kneel during THEIR national anthem.

Further, I would apply this to ANY manner of protest... clenched fist, Hitler masks, you name it.

But clearly, as I suggested, this was a waste of time and, as I also pointed out, it came far #TOOLATE.


One thing was accomplished today and one thing only: the NFL proved that the bogus, "Pay attention to me" disrespect of the American flag, the American military and this country generally was NOT a "1st Amendment" issue.

My God, how many times did the left and some of the more ignorant on the right babble that these players had a RIGHT to engage in these childish theatrics.

They didn't, of course.  The First Amendment is both pretty clear and fairly literal:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

CONGRESS.  In short, THE GOVERNMENT... cannot stop these morons from doing this... but the NATIONAL FOOTBALL LEAGUE certainly COULD.

They chose not to.  They chose to enable those punks to insult, belittle and disrespect those who died defending that flag that their sacrifice enabled these punks to demonstrate.

What they've done today... does nothing.  There are players that simply won't care... $20 million per year personnel who can play a game.  How much with the NFL fine them?  You note that the NFL isn't saying, write?

It makes no difference.  It's long since passed the time when they could have fixed this.

And now... for me... and millions of others... it's just #TOOLATE.

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