Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Is Davey Gellatly on drugs, again? Gellatly sends out email to a 17th District LD candidate, claims he'll be arrested if he shows up for the election. Come on down!

Just when you thought the idiot chair of the Clark County GOP couldn't become even more of an imbecile, that moron just sys "here, hold my meth pipe."

The 17th District election is a public event.  Any idiot, including Gellatly, can go.

And the law is rather clear on that:

Criminal trespass—Defenses.

In any prosecution under RCW 9A.52.070 and 9A.52.080, it is a defense that:
(2) The premises were at the time open to members of the public and the actor complied with all lawful conditions imposed on access to or remaining in the premises; or

It has been well known for days that Kalup has been and remains a candidate for the 17th District Chair's seat.  This isn't even a veiled effort to keep him from winning that election.

This meeting IS "public," and as such, they have no right or legal ability to keep Kalup out.

But if anyone needed any more proof that Gellatly is a full on, complete and total whack job, you don't need much more proof than this.

Was Gellatly on drugs when he sent this?

Don't know.

Has he lost his fricking mind?

Is that even a question?

If something happens here, will Gellatly be held liable for it directly?


The ultimate stupidity of this?

It's not Gellatly's meeting.  He's got no say.  The Board has no say.  This 17th LD business. If the current 17th District chair feels like it, he can eject any executive board member if he were so inclined.  One can only hope he is.

Hello Kalup,
I have been informed[sic] you are running for the 17th LD Chair position which Tom Tangen will be vacating. Thank you for being willing to volunteer for this role.
However, I did want to reach out to you about a concern that was brought to my attention:
As you have received notification and are aware of, you have been trespassed from the CCRP Office and not allowed on the premises. Violating this trespass would result in legal action, and since this decision was confirmed by the board, and reconfirmed at the following meeting, it is a standing notice and your decision to run does not affect nor change this. As you know, this was a unamimous[sic] decision by the board without objection and therefore, my duty to uphold. If you are elected as the 17th LD Chair, then I would expect the board to take the vote of the 17th LD PCOs under consideration moving forward.
I would advise you [to] draft a letter that can be read on your behalf at the meeting, as has been done in the past by others unable to attend a meeting/election.

Thanks again.

David R. Gellatly
Clark County Republican Party
Pure Scum.  I would advise Gellatly to do an extended stay in rehab.

There is, you see, a HUGE difference between others being "unable to attend" and not being ALLOWED to attend.  To infer this is no different simply shows how brain damaged that mutt actually is.

The meeting is at 7:00 pm tonight.  Maybe we should all go to a part of this wonderful experiment we call democracy.

I'm thinking I'll be there so I can report on this blithering idiot's stupidity first hand.


Cheri Bishop said...

How can I help?

K.J. Hinton said...

A lot of that depends on which community you're located in.

Research this guy on your own. Don't just take my word for it. Find out about him and then form your own conclusions. You voice would be more effective if you live in Clark County.