Saturday, May 19, 2018

I apologize for not running against Hoff.

I simply could not do it physically.

But when I see pictures like this?

I should have done it if I were dying.

With the close of filing today the field is set. I'm incredibly proud of the team I have assembled and with their combined expertise I'm confident that this campaign will be efficient, effective, and successful. Let's roll!

The problem is obvious:

As a RINO sock puppet ran by His Keepers in this picture, there is no way that if elected, HOFF would be "efficient, effective OR successful."  He would ignore us like Wilson and Rivers ignore us... like he ignores those of us who have questions NOW, while he's in campaign mode.

And really, is cowardice that great of a platform to run off?

Wilson was a key player in raping our property taxes that has resulted in so much harm being done in so many places around this state, including ALL of Clark County.

This is the SAME Sen. Wilson who lied to the Clark County PCO's when, along with Gas Tax Rivers, SHE assured ALL of us that as a result of their brilliance on voting for the horrific GOP budget that they helped to jack up at least $5.5 Billion, our property taxes would be going DOWN.  I knew they were lying at the time, of course.  But since when have they... or their butt-buddy Rivers.... been honest?

And like the rest of their lies... how has that worked out for us?

The reality is clear: Electing this coward simply means more of the same.

That this moron would equate that sad day where men and women stood up to terrorism at the cost of their own lives with his campaign?

"Let's Roll" indeed.

That's as sickening and disgusting as those sitting around the table pulling his puppet strings.

He will do precisely what, when and how they order him to do precisely what, when and how they tell him to do it.

Both now... during his campaign.... and after, if he's elected.

And that's the most sickening thing of all.

If there is a point to electing a Republican who you know will vote like a democrat merely because of the label he and those who own him have chosen for him... I simply don't see it.

But that's the pattern the RINOs endorsing him have followed... and that's the pattern HE will follow.

Like he gives a damn what those of us in the district think or want.  Just like, come to think of it, Wilson and Rivers.

Yes... I apologize.  It won't happen again.

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