Thursday, May 17, 2018

Helpful hints for candidates facing the democratian editorial board: don't bother.

Actually, I've come to learn in life that there are three things that are inevitable: death, taxes and the democratian endorsing the leftist.

Thus, there's no point in bothering to allow yourself to be strapped to the gratings so Lefty Lou can flog you around the fleet.

For example, no one to the right of Mao is going to be endorsed by the rag.

Oppose the CRC scam?  Oppose the pot rip off?  Oppose illegal aliens?  Oppose tolls for an I-5 Bridge replacement? Oppose anything on the democratian's agenda?

And you're done in their eyes.

Fail to oppose anything on their agenda, thereby getting their endorsement, and you're unfit to hold political office anyway.

The rag's fringe-left bent on the issues most important to the people of Clark County is well known.  Their double-standard in news coverage is the stuff of legend.

For example, the recent exposure of what appears to be Davey Delete's drug problem got buried and whatever mention of it was carefully framed so that Davey could trash those talking about it.

If, however, had the subject of this news been, say, David Madore, it would have been front page, above the fold news for days.

In fact, we'd have never heard the end of it.

As far back as 2008, the Columbian endorsed democrats and only democrats in every open seat you could vote on in that election.

And which incumbents did they endorse AGAINST?

Why, only one.  And that ONE would have been Sen. Don Benton.

They endorsed David Carrier, a democrat who didn't even live in the 17th District as I recall. And in 2000, the rag endorsed Sen. Benton's opponent by saying this:
“... (Peterson) although sincere and well-intentioned, lacks even a rudimentary understanding of the important policy questions for Southwest Washington and the state. About the only attribute in his favor is the fact that he’s not Don Benton. And on that admittedly flimsy basis, we endorse Peterson.”
The rag's hatred of anyone politically to the right of Mao is both legendary and documentable.  That any publication would admit that the candidate they endorse has no clue?

That kind of hatred is hard to find... unless you look at the Columbian.

Which brings me back to my advice:  Don't bother.  It's a waste of time.  The history of the rag speaks for itself.

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