Monday, May 21, 2018

Establishment hatred of conservatives on full display: Carolyn Crain.

It's no secret the local RINO contingent actually... literally... hates conservatives.

They hate those holding office... and they hate those supporting them.

They expect us... to act like... them.  That is, to mindlessly support anyone with an "R" after their name, even if... ESPECIALLY if... they vote like Jimmy Moeller.

They value the appearance far more than substance.  It's not what they TRULY are that matters, you understand.  It's what they APPEAR to be.

And it's perfectly OK for the RINOs to ditch conservatives.  After all, who can forget the 5 RINO former Chairs who ditched Republican Representative Liz Pike in favor of declared non-Republican, Young Democrat-endorsed Marc Boldt? (Rasmussen Sr., Donnelly, Gaston, Ferris and. of course, Boger)  I haven't been able to get much of an explanation as to why it's OK for them to vote for a democrat over a Conservative, but not OK for a Conservative to vote for a democrat over a RINO.

Recently, Representative Liz Pike became the only elected official to react to the news of the obvious drug problem of our local Clark County Chair... and she did so openly by demanding the resignation of that disaster.

The RINO clique expressed outrage as well.  Not at the self-professed use of Cocaine or any of the other evidence of illegal drug use, including meth and methadone.  Not at the news of his arrests for theft, his multiple DUI's, the bench warrants or the time he's spent being evicted.

No, they expressed outrage that this information... which is publicly available in the court house... was actually made public.

They've expressed outrage at me... and they've continued to express outrage towards Representative Pike.

I've got to wonder: This guy's somewhat less than legal record has been well-established.  NONE of these people would hire someone with a record like this for ANYTHING.  Yet they doggedly maintain that Davey is their guy.  None of his attacks against conservatives; his lies and false allegations, including that *I* was dishonorably discharged from the Army... makes any difference to the members of his cult.

And with a record extending back years... and now self-confirmed drug abuse on top of it... abuse no longer required to be disproven by tests... these same people continue to support that embarrassment to politics while the local democratian newspaper buries the story to the extent that few here locally are even aware of it.

Can you even begin to imagine what the coverage of all of this would be if you swapped the name "Madore" with the name "Gellatly?"

Rep. Pike's demand is, of course, totally ignored.  The RINOs slavish devotion to this punk reminds me of Hitler Youth and their beloved Führer... Overwhelming evidence to the contrary, he's been their tool from the beginning and so, instead of getting rid of this inexplicable embarrassment to the political realm, they sink their claws in even further.

For her part, Crain is best known for getting destroyed in each of her efforts to run for office and her support of "Independent" and Young Democrat-endorsed Marc Boldt... a blithering incompetent who has since been banned by the Public Disclosure Commission from either controlling... or having any family member control... his own campaign finances... instead of Rep. Pike during her write-in effort to become county chair.  (Boldt won with 39% of the vote... meaning 61% of the voters of Clark County did not want him to get the job.)  This as she worked hard to make sure that the SAME Rep. Pike she now continues to condemn is vilified for speaking out against the idiocy of the leadership of the local GOP.

Hatred of conservative Republicans isn't just confined to the leftists.  Oh, no.  The local moron running the Clark County GOP has ACTUALLY FILED SUIT AGAINST A PCO.

And the RINO scum in his cult SUPPORT that.  His actions have SHATTERED the local party, destroyed any unity and kept thousands of dollars from being donated to the organization, because THEY will ONLY support their fellow RINOs.

So, the money that would have gone to the local party... or to the Lincoln Day Dinner... is going to that PCO's legal defense as we ponder who is paying for Gellatly's lawyer as he tries to bankrupt a PCO into silence.

Crain and the rest of the Conservative Haters are actually fine with that.  One wonders: if the past party Chair had, for example, sued Crain... would they have been OK with THAT?

One wonders.  But not too hard... given the rank hypocrisy of who they are and what they do.

In Crain's latest "discussion," she attempts to school a prospective PCO candidate... as to who the "good Republicans" (meaning her fellow RINOs) and the "bad Republicans" are.  Her words drip with hatred.  But see for yourself:

Crain herself can't understand why she does... what she does.

"I do not understand why people do not stand up and tell the truth when degrading treatment or comments about the party are being made."

Effectively, Crain fails to understand why she, Crain, is compelled to lie and degrade others when comments about the truth are being made.

It's obviously a truth she doesn't happen to like about the Head Tool in the Shed.

And that's the biggest mystery of all.  Perhaps someone can ask these RINOs: "Just out of curiosity, why is it that you clowns are more interested in attacking our own... then you are in attacking the democrats?"

Maybe you can ask them:  "How is it if you morons are so great, how did you manage to avoid even  finding token candidates in the 49th?  How did you avoid putting up a candidate for county treasurer?  How can you idiots BE so incompetent?"

Unless, of course, it's what's known as a "deliberate oversight."

Inquiring minds want to know.

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