Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Question for the Gellatly Cult: when are you people going to campaign against democrats?

So, we're just about into another election cycle.  The local GOP has been shattered by the clueless moron running it; in and advanced state of paralysis that will make it politically as effective as the Pillsbury Doughboy.

Too busy beating up conservatives and suing PCO's while it brilliantly manages to acquire a $40,000 fine due to Davey Delete's incompetence... so, far, they've proven themselves incapable of even keeping the candidate page of the GP website updated... (there's been zero communication on the web page since Davey Delete's lies about "a New Year and a positive direction." and how pathetic is that?

There's an election coming up which seems to have escaped the Oh, So Social cult running this zoo.

Meanwhile, the leftists are emboldened by both local... and national... GOP incompetence.

The media is relentless, ala David Madore... nothing but attacks and a deliberate effort to belittle and degrade whatever good news there may be because of their leftist bigotry.

Local RINOs, of course, play directly into their hands be running the leftist agenda as if the democrats have already won.

The core GOP voter will be staying home in droves this year because, of course, the root problem is simple: the threats of what the democrats might do if elected ring hollow when the GOP has been doing worse for years.

The local insanity of the GOP has dug a gaping hole.  Typical advice is that when you're in a hole and you want to get out, you should stop digging.  But the reality is the leadership provided by ol' Theft 3 makes that impossible.

How do you market candidates who ignore their constituency? How do you get the people to vote for those who voted to increase our property taxes to the stratospheric level?

We're cursed, then with both incompetent leadership AND no cards to play.

We could be in an electoral bloodbath this November at all levels.  Would anyone be surprised if we were?

The National disaster seems to be set.  Locally, the front line that is allegedly dedicated to keeping that from happen is a complete, disorganized, mess.

Sadly, for the most part, there are no Republicans running for re-election that provide any particular value to the word "Republican."

An incompetent county chair with a lifetime ban from both the GOP AND running his own campaign finances, 3 county council types who would have been interchangeable to the point where no one would have noticed if they'd have lost their elections as at least one of them (Stuart) will.

Our worthless Congresswoman will likely be reelected, as will our worthless US Senator.

At all levels of government, from county to national, GOP control has been a debacle.

When people ask me why they should vote Republican, I have no answer, particularly at the local level.

Well, it's the Theft 3 cult that is SUPPOSED to provide us with the answers.

Where are they?  What are we supposed to say?

We can't use the boogey man of "tax  and fee increases."  Who has increased our taxes more than the GOP at the local or state level?

Massive, stratospheric tax increases.

Reward them with your vote?  I think not.

Can anyone tell us with a straight face that electing Republicans means lower taxes, lower fees, smaller, less expensive and more efficient government?

Not around here it hasn't.

How do we sell that, Davey?  I mean, you're such a genius, even if, among other things, you've allowed the party website to become utterly worthless as a source of information while you set about to sue PCO's and enable a $40,000 fine as a direct result of your incompetence.  What are people supposed to be told around here... presumably with a straight face... to get them to vote GOP when it's been the GOP who has screwed us the most?

Inquiring minds would like to know, genius.  If you even care... and given how hard you've been bending us over for the democrats, it seems pretty clear you don't.

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