Friday, April 06, 2018

More Gellatly idiocy

So much stupidity is such a small paragraph.

The problem, of course, is when it matters, that clueless moron of a congresswoman votes like a democrat anyway.

That budget that Brian Gellatly is so disappointed President Trump signed?

Ridgefield Barbie voted for it.

Somehow, the more clueless seem to think that Herrera will magically undergo some transformation into an actual Republican and suddenly go to work for us after sitting on her wide-glide ass and doing nothing for the last 8 years.

Her defeat would not, of course, mean that "Trump will be done."  But then, when it comes to politics, Davey is SUCH an ignorant twit.

It's like so many things ol' "Theft 3" says:

He HAS to run his mouth, even when he hasn't the faintest clue what he's babbling about.

As for me?  I'd rather have a real democrat over the fake variety the RINO establishment supports any day... and I'd never consider rewarding that worthless lowlife with my vote after 8 years of doing absolutely nothing to solve THE most important issue confronting her district: cross-river transportation by a 3rd and 4th bridge.

I would love to have a real Republican run for the job... I'll likely be voting for Earl Bowerman if he's on the ballot.  And if he doesn't make it to the general... there is no way I would ever vote for Ridgefield Barbie.

But I will never vote for a member of congress who voted to support Obamacare. 
Who is too much of a coward to hold town hall meetings and FACE her constituency.
And who failed to do ANYTHING to address our cross-river transportation issues.
Meanwhile, the fake Republican Congresswoman we have now sends out bogus mailers to get the suckers to give her money that she's drumming up but won't use... except to fork over to the GOP House Caucus so THEY can use it to get others elected.

Sadly, Herrera is going to win re-election.  And we'll be stuck with two more years of worthless-to-mediocre representation where she's busy stabbing us in the back on the CRC scam.

A genius like Davey Delete should know all that, of course... but may not, since his ignorance is bliss.

But even if he DID know it, he's such a tool he doesn't care.

Since we're stuck with a political moron running the party, who wouldn't care if a Republican voted in Communism as long as there's an "R" after their name.  The only thing I'm interested in getting behind is a movement to replace her with a genuine Republican instead of the fake variety infesting us now.

And ending the pathetic political aspirations of ol Theft 3.

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