Wednesday, April 04, 2018

When your local GOP chair is a scumbag.

Davey Delete has become a legend.

A liar, a thief, and a narcissistic incompetent buffoon who has this rather interesting habit of threatening people who oppose him, he represents absolutely everything that is the worst in politics.

His incompetence has cost the local party tens of thousands of dollars.  He decision to blow off the AG lawsuit has led to a preliminary cost of $74,000 because he failed to respond to that suit... and now, like a junior Hitler, his plan is to blame everyone else for HIS failures.

Davey stands as THE number one reason why vetting both candidates and party officials is vital.  Readers of this blog have been able to keep track of his massive errors in judgment, his hypocrisy, his deceit and his complete lack of integrity.  His extensive criminal record speaks for itself.

That he runs the local GOP when he shouldn't be allowed to run an elevator is the thing most mystifying.

I get that he's a RINO tool, but the establishment types infesting us should have found a much cleaner, much more articulate and at least slightly less psychotic face to stuff in front of the party.

And now, from hard-learned lessons of dealing with this liar, those he wants to dump this on want nothing to do with him.

And who can disagree?

Run a search on this blog and you can see all you need to know about this slimeball.  And that's what he brings to the table and no doubt will be whining to the media about when the AG drops the hammer on the local GOP.

He, of course, will refuse to take ANY responsibility for this state of affairs as he does the political imitation of Captain Queeg and the Caine Mutiny.

"Ah. It was the strawberries... I had them there!"

The resemblance between Davey Delete and Captain Queeg is uncanny.

Queeg had his Executive Office court-martialed for mutiny.

Davey filed suit against a PCO because of one word sent in an email and the other Queeg-like charges he made against "unnamed others."

Queeg lost his mind over, well, strawberries.  Davey lost his because a large group of Republicans oppose the damage he's caused the local party.

Queeg was a coward.  So is Davey.

Davey has been a disgrace.  Those supporting this moron have been no better. 

This agony goes on and on and on.  And we all suffer for it in the end.

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