Sunday, April 08, 2018

As news off Davey Delete's incompetence on the lawsuit seeps out, even RINO Bogart has to smack him.

Any time anyone is remotely critical of the incompetent idiot running the local party... if such comments are made in the wrong place... they're immediately nazified... that is, they're deleted. Because, well, you know... in Davey Delete's world, if they are deleted, they never happened.

I have been pointing out... repeatedly... that the blithering idiot running the local GOP here has badly mishandled the AG lawsuit issue as much as he's mishandled the last Lincoln Day Dinner AND, of course, his equally moronic dealing with HIS lawsuit against a precinct committee officer over an email allegedly sent to one other person... which this butthurt punk with a record as long as your arm believes is "defamatory."

Well, the RINO Commander-in-Chief, Brent Boger, who actually IS an attorney, apparently has finally found out exactly how moronic, uninformed and incompetent Gellatly's efforts have been in the matter of the AG's office nailing the local GOP.

Gellatly, of course, blames everyone and everything for this fiasco, holding himself to be blameless.

Well, guess what:  he ain't.

And now, finally, Boger seems to have gotten the word that idiot stick blew off the hearing resulting in a default judgment being entered.

I have beaten ol' Theft 3 to a pulp over that issue because there is no excuse... none... for failing to appear.  Nor is there any excuse for failing to get an attorney to review this case and provide what Gellatly apparently lacked: timely legal advice.

But when you're an arrogant putz who wrongly has convinced himself that he's the smartest guy in the room, when he would be hard put to be the smartest guy in the barnyard... this kind of stupidity is likely to be the end result.

Gellatly's history of incompetence and arrogance has boiled down to this: Boger is, or at least has been, a staunch supporter of the clueless RINO idiot running the show; but somehow, the light has finally gone off that ol' Theft 3 may not be all that bright after all:

Burying your head in the sand when it comes to a suit... any suit... is always bad advice.  Yet that's precisely what Theft 3 did here: He blew off the Court and simply ignored the hearing... and now the local GOP gets to suffer as a result.

After all, it isn't HIS money, is it?

Now, there may have been more exchanges here....  but those kissing/covering Ol' Theft 3's ass immediately deleted this little convo... as they do anything critical of Davey Delete... since freedom of expression is an arcane construct over there.

However late to this sorry show Boger may be, here he has spoken what many of us watching this idiot have been saying: this stands as yet another episode of the many incompetent bouts and misjudgments Delete is known for.

You've got to wonder how long the Establishment is going to hang on to this increasing liability.

Between his threats to his political opposition, his Lincoln Day Dinner fiasco with Tommy Cleavage, his failure to hold any of the RINOs in office accountable for their leftist tax increases, their hiring by democrats, their lies, their vote to continue Obamacare, their vote for the most recent budget disaster, their vote that resulted in our now-exploding property taxes, and all of the other GOP disasters confronting us and his totally idiotic lawsuit against a precinct committee officer that he's going to lose... and badly... it's pretty clear his lack of judgment and integrity is shattering party unity and is going to cost the GOP big time in the upcoming election.

He's shown himself to be incapable of running an elevator, let alone a county party.  A blind squirrel could see it in a minute.

And it's long since past time for this clown and his posse to go.

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