Sunday, March 25, 2018

There's a rumor going around that the Omnibus was Mr. Trump's master stroke and it has no impact in law. That is wrong.

See, if it is what many conservatives are claiming it is... well, that seems to be news to Congress.

Look... there's a great many sources for news in the world today.  We've been bombarded with fake news, biased news, fanciful news, exaggerated news and pure, outright, fiction.

There is an anonymous post pinging around Facebook and reddit, mostly, that says this:
Omnibus Bill is NOT a Federal Budget - POTUS wins again
u/pj77777Mar 23, 2018, 2:52 PM 
FOR THOSE DOUBTING TRUMP DO YOUR RESEARCH Jo Ann Powell Neely Gunny says: March 23, 2018 at 7:42 am I seriously do not understand why individuals do not read the entire thread or disregard it. 
Wheatietoo and I spent hours yesterday providing links, researching the laws, the 1974 law and statutes…. Do you know why the Omnibus is not going to get any notice…Here it is.. 
It’s not an official ‘Federal Budget’. It’s an Omnibus bill…not a Budget…He outsmarted them again…Congress basically screwed themselves by not passing a Budget… 
Per the Constitution…the President must adhere to a Budget set forth by Congress and direct the expenditures as provided therein. 
This is another one of those big Porkulus Bills, like they gave Obama for 8 years. This is not a Budget.. 
An Omnibus Spending Bill may have some ‘instructions’ as to how the money will be spent…but Obama ignored them. He spent the money, or didn’t spend it, however he wanted to. And Congress didn’t do a thing about it! Because they couldn’t.. 
I think our President observed how this happened, year after year. He is bound to realize that those ‘appropriations’ for different things in these Omnibus bills…are merely ‘suggestions’. 
So like Obama, Pres Trump can spend this money on whatever he wants to. Or…not spend it. 
Planned Parenthood? What if our President decided to tell the Treas Dept to ‘slow-walk’ that money to Planned Parenthood…until the Senate gets off their ass and confirms his appointees? 
Sanctuary Cities? What if our President decided to ‘slow-walk’ that money too…until those Sanctuary Cities assist ICE in rounding up criminal illegal aliens? 
Splodey heads? From the Dems and the Enemedia? Why yes. There would be a colorful display of splodey heads. 
But what could they do about it. Hah. 
Our President could just say…’What! Congress should’ve passed a Budget.’
done finished…research was done…and it is so very humorous actually….our VSG..just said just give me money for the military and the wall…put anything else you want in it…and those goofballs did. 
In this case, as per above….he doesn’t have to spend a dime….because it is not a budget…and even if it was…researched….he could still spend as he please… Congress appropriates….up to the President to spend it…or not….as he pleases.. 
If anyone disagrees, I can go back and get the links and evidence, but if you just read yesterdays political thread…Wheatietoo and I laid it all out for all…Wheatietoo did most of the work and put together the consolidated update as per above…. 
Again, that is why Obama never had a Budget in his Presidency…Congress did continual Omibus’s and he just took the money….for 8 years…and no one seems to know where it went…
This APPEARS to be the source of all this idiocy.  My degree in Government started pinging the moment I read it.  *I* knew it was a crock.  I also knew it was flying around conservative circles at the speed of light because it told readers PRECISELY what they wanted to hear as an explanation for the inexplicable.

Pure, unadulterated, crap.  This is a law.  It's like any other law.  Deluding ourselves that Mr. Trump is some sort of a magician with this gets us no where.

I get that for many, it's like a drowning man reaching out for anything that will float.  But in this case, it's going to sink and it will likely take GOP control of Congress with it... not that it matters which party runs it anyway.

A Congressman named Justin Amash has addressed this issue:

For those buying into that nonsense that the omnibus is meaningless based on one unnamed guy's post... You really should check out Mr. Amash's twitter feed:

Meanwhile, get a grip if you were buying into that nonsense and next time, TRY and engage your critical thinking skills before you buy into this kind of garbage?.
Justin Amash‏Verified account @justinamash · 16h16 hours ago
“Every Bill which shall have passed the House of Representatives and the Senate, shall, before it become a Law, be presented to the President of the United States; if he approve he shall sign it, but if not he shall return it, with his Objections…”
—Constitution, Art. I, §7

Justin Amash‏Verified account @justinamash · 15h15 hours ago
I keep seeing the same absurd claim going around on social media—that the omnibus is not so bad because it’s not a budget. This is totally backward. The omnibus is law; a budget is not. A bad budget is irresponsible but toothless. The omnibus (spending bill) does the real damage.

Justin Amash‏Verified account @justinamash · 13h13 hours ago
Another bogus claim is that this letter ( means president can repurpose approps as he likes. It means no such thing. Omnibus lets him designate some global health activity spending as emergency, so it won’t count toward spending cap. This letter does that.

Justin Amash‏Verified account @justinamash · 3h3 hours ago

Justin Amash Retweeted Kathy Scott

A law can exist for any duration. Appropriations (spending) laws are generally annual or shorter. Discretionary does not mean at the president’s discretion; it means Congress must appropriate periodically (annually) or the funding runs out. Mandatory spending keeps going.

Justin Amash added,
Kathy Scott @KathySc65174870
Replying to @justinamash
How can this be a "law" when it is only for 6 months? Everything I have researched says there is mandatory & discretionary spending. It states the president does have authority to adjust how the money is spent on discretionary spending. I advise everyone to fact check themselves.

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