Sunday, March 25, 2018

Sooooo 500 leftists show up in a park, and the democratian makes a big deal out of it.

Here's the thing.

As I've state before, until these tools start going after the most important issues confronting us... and confronting them... no one is going to listen because nothing they babble about makes any difference.

So, naturally, a few local leftists braved the weather to head down to the park and whine and snivel about... what?

Well, about restricting their own constitutional rights.

The irony is reeking.  Students in Parkland now find themselves under the same restrictions when it comes to backpacks that anyone going to an NFL game finds THEM selves... that the backpacks now have to be transparent.

Why, some have wondered, are they punishing us for what one moron did?
Why, indeed.

When two muslims shoot us down in a government office in San Bernardino... when an illegal alien shoots someone walking with their Dad in San Francisco... when a police officer shoots a suspect (and I freely admit that 99% of those shootings are righteous) we are reminded not to judge all by the actions of one.

How come that goes out the window when it comes to school shootings?

As I've mentioned before, tens of thousands of this same idiotic demographic have been killed and hundreds of thousands injured because they have to text and drive.

Are any of them walking out over that?

Are any of them demanding their cars be taken away from them?

Are any of them demanding that their licenses be cut up until they're 21?

Are any of them demanding that their cell phones be taken from them?


Why not?

Over the past five years, at least a Battle Ground's worth of these kids have been slaughtered on our highways.

And none of these punks seem to care.

Well, a few show up in the park.  They yell... they wave signs.  A few more show up in DC, with every leftist and leftist gun-grabbing outfit picking up the tab as if what these punks say matter.

It doesn't matter.

If they want to end teenage death, they'd work to end the causes of these deaths that make their snivelfests look like paint scratches compared to 8 killed in the intersection.

470,000 or so of the people living in this county did NOT show up at this idiotic, fringe-left soiree.

Where's the headline about THAT?

There was, of course, no where close to a "thousand" people in this park.  But hey, when you're a leftist rag and you've got a leftist agenda, why not lie?

It wouldn't be the first time the rag did.

1 comment:

  1. A friend posted this to my Wife's Facebook page (sorry, I didn't catch the name of the poster) -- frankly I wish I'd thought of it in these terms, but this spells out the left's manipulations in clear terms:

    When I talk to kids about the left vs. the right - the pussy march, etc etc, - one thing that always strikes me is how the Left - always, in every guise - appeals to people's/children's best instincts to exploit them for their own damaging agenda. And this outrageous march today is no exception.

    MARCH FOR OUR LIVES!! Who wouldn't join that! You'd have to be CRAZY to NOT WANT TO fight for OUR LIVES!! It's BRILLIANT and taps into compassion, kindness, plus ACTION (get off your cell phones and DO something!!!).

    And as always, it's exactly, just exactly wrong.

    Getting KIDS to march based on emotion,, BAD information, WRONG information, a lack of FACTUAL information, in order for their OWN SAFETY to be compromised and their own RIGHTS to be SEIZED - it's utterly insane and is one of the reasons the Left makes me sick to my stomach.

    The venality of it, the crass, craven, powermongering manipulativeness of it is sickening, and to do this to our CHILDREN is the height of venality.

    But friends, will we let them get away with this, time and time again?

    Sorry, but no.

    Every time we shine the light of truth, EVERY TIME, we make a difference. To react to these kids - the ones in our lives, not the true believers like that little Parkland pr**k - not with anger but with empathy, that they've been so sadly manipulated, is something we HAVE to do. And point out that they are pawns, and how sorry we are that they've been USED in this disgusting way.
    The tobacco industry knew that if they played to kids, they'd get them "hooked" - it's not that different now. Pawns, pawns, pawns.

    Only this time, the agenda isn't more consumers, but more little pawns in the battle to seize our rights. And it's horrendous to watch.

    The Left is genius at organizing - we have GOT to up our game. The only cure for the ignorance that allows this to happen is by spreading KNOWLEDGE - so get out there and TALK to people.

    Sickened, saddened for the children, nauseated by those who take advantage of these kids' best feelings and manipulate them.
    Fight back with the TRUTH - it's the only way.


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