Saturday, March 24, 2018

Yawner: Moeller announces the end of Stewart's time on the County Council.

So, a day or two ago, Jimmy "What is-What isn't Candy Tax" Moeller announced he was running for Stewart's county council seat.

Big Yawn.

During her abysmal tenure on the council, it was rare to find a tax or fee that Stewart didn't love to increase; it was rare to see her vote against my blithering-idiot brother-in-law and it was rare to see where she acted like a Republican at all.  Think of her in terms of Julie Olson, fringe-leftist Chuckie Green's BFF.

And here's the thing, you see: if every other Republican running lost... would anyone notice?


If Dalesandro had beaten Boldt (Which Tracy Wilson repeatedly assured us was GOING to happen) would anything be any different?

And if CTran sock-puppet Chuckie Green had beaten leftist RINO Julie Olson, would HE have voted any different than her?


So, under the circumstances, I will happily support Moeller over Stuart.  Even though he's an arrogant prick with an ego the size of a battleship, he makes no bones about it.  You can bet that Moeller is NOT going to run as a democrat and then suddenly start voting like a Republican.

So why keep a fake Republican in the seat?

Of course, because of the so-called "increased democracy" of this idiotic charter, I don't have any say, do I?

Neither does 3/4s of the rest of the County.

And that's exactly the way the leftists wanted it.

Jimmy is going to beat Stewart like a gong.  But that's the way it goes.

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