Saturday, October 07, 2017

Yet another example of how Gellatly is a scumbag.

As observers know, Davey Gellatly is the slimiest of political creatures.  Always time to try and beat up those smart enough to oppose this megalomaniac, never time to do what the job of chair requires... which, boiled down to its essence, is beating up the democrats.

Well, here's ANOTHER of the MANY instances where this punk shows his complete lack of integrity.

The lying little worm has already promised to resign once before, on August 31 of this year.

He was lying then, of course: he has no intention of leaving the job unless he's politically carried out.

NOW, for an upcoming meeting, this lying turd has promised to resign again... Or HAS he?

Insane Clown Posse sent out the following notice to his own political funeral:

From: David Gellatly <>
Sent: Wednesday, October 4, 2017 6:34 PM
Subject: Call To Special Meeting - October 17th, 2017 715PM
Clark County Precinct Committee Officers, As most are aware, there has been egregious claims made by a group of board members who been actively attempting to get the chair to resign through the repeated calling of special meetings and attempted public shaming, along with holding secret meetings of only part of the board to strategize about the removal of the chair. The false information has been provided for others to create loud division and shaming of the party through social media and email chains, which news outlets have reported on. The personal and public attacks and false information had nearly caused my resignation, after almost costing us our vice-chair due to the continued attacks. However, after discussions with many of you, I believe the majority our members want something better for our party than to solely be an attack weapon to use against those who don’t fall in line. If we do not take a stand now and believe we can do better together, then we may not have another chance for years to come. This can be an opportunity to do a reset, to grow our grass roots agenda and focus on our purpose as stated in our bylaws. With the new board, there was certainly a learning curve for this all volunteer group. Being a new team, all members had a lot of unknowns they were walking into, including myself. I am not making any claims to have handled everything perfectly, only that there were certainly no actions that would be egregious in nature that would have caused the actions of the members the petition is seeking to recall. I am committed to continuing to learn and serve to the best of my ability for our party and community.
I want to thank those of you who have supported the petition for recall and taking the initiative to take a stand for our party.  This effort shows the epitome of what a grass roots effort looks like. This is a very important meeting as I, Leslie and others simply cannot continue to invest the time that has been demanded of us while doing our best to also best to respond to these attacks.  The vicious approach and vilification of a number of our party members in social media and the press has weakened the public support of our party and our ability to support our candidates.  You as the PCO’s have the opportunity to recall these four individuals and replace them with individuals who do support our party and who have the best interests of those we are called to represent. With the petition that has been put forth for our members, we will be able to repeal and replace the division with a positive group that is dedicated to working together and creating something we can be proud of once again. Whichever direction the central committee members choose, I will respect. If the disruptive board members remain, the Chair and Vice Chair will resign to allow the party to move in that direction. If the disruptive members are removed, we will have the opportunity to immediately elect replacements who can help correct course for our organization. I am pleased to report to you that four new individuals have agreed to stand for election by the PCO’s into these positions of leadership.  It is my request that you as the PCO’s chose between the group that has so badly damaged our public image and weakened our ability to support our candidates, and Leslie and I as Vice Chair and Chair.  If you vote to retain these four, Leslie and I will resign so that you can elect a replacement. However, if this is the case, I fear the vast majority of those who have stepped forward to try and regain the spirit and shared commitment to work together will be further driven out of our party.  No one should have to endure the public attack that has been launched and supported by this group. 
  • The petition has received a majority of PCO’s signatures for a recall as outlined above. Article VI, Section 2 (b) A petition calling a special meeting to remove the Elected Officer or Director has been signed by a majority of the qualified Precinct Committee Officers.
  • Call To Special Meeting: The Majority of CCRCC members have called for a special meeting to remove State Committeeman Joe Wagner, State Committeewoman Katja Delavar, Treasurer Suzanne Gerhardt and Secretary Karen Trumbull for divisive conduct destructive to the goals of the Clark County Republican Party and unbecoming of their offices.
  • The meeting will be at Clark County Square Dance Center on October 17th, 2017 at 715pm.  Please come and let your voice be heard. 
Meeting Rules including the Agenda will be sent out soon.  

David R. Gellatly 
Chairman,Clark County Republican Party 

Lie after lie after lie.  It's like Insane is indicting himself, since he is more guilty of these same acts than anyone *I* know.

But that's not all, of course.

Then this lowlife scumbag sent out ANOTHER notice to the SAME Meeting.... Two days later.
--------Forwarded message-------- 
From: David Gellatly <>               Date: Fri, Oct 06, 2017 at 8:00pm                                                                     Subject: Fwd: CALL TO SPECIAL MEETING 10.17.2017 w/Meeting Rules & Agenda                                                                                                     To:
CALL: In Accordance with Article VI Section 2.B of the Clark County Republican Party Bylaws “A petition calling a special meeting to remove the Elected Officer or Director has been signed by a majority of the qualified Precinct Committee Officers.” the majority of PCO’s have called for a special meeting to remove;
  • State Committeeman Joe Wagner
  • State Committeewoman Katja Delavar
  • Treasurer Suzanne Gerhardt
  • Secretary Karen Trumbull
for divisive conduct destructive to the goals of the Clark County Republican Party and unbecoming of their offices. 

PURPOSE: This meeting is for the purpose of taking a vote of the members of the CCRCC for the removal of the four members listed. If the CCRCC members remove any board director, then an immediate election to fill the vacancy will follow in the same meeting. “Immediately following removal, the CCRCC shall immediately proceed to elect replacement(s).”To remove and/or elect directors requires a majority of votes cast.
DATE/TIME: October 17th, 2017 at 715PM 
REQUEST: In order for this process to be efficient, it is requested that information be distributed prior to the meeting and any questioned or needs of such be requested by the members in advance. This purpose of this meeting is to take a vote to decide the direction of the party, and members should arrive prepared to do so. 
 Nominations for replacements will be accepted and updated until 10.16.2017 at 12pm to be included on ballot. 

 David R. Gellatly                                                                        Chairman,Clark County Republican Party            

What's missing in the second announcement?

Any mention of this scumbag resigning.

The rules for this meeting... which he cannot enforce without the PCO's agreeing, are completely arbitrary and the PCO's should immediately move to adjourn the meeting as a result.

That's neither here nor there:

This is the kind of crap this roach clip is known for.  And it's the kind of thing that you need to know.

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