Friday, October 06, 2017

The Clark County Politics indictment against David Gellatly

Face it: David Gellatly is a low-life, incompetent, narcissistic, lying slimeball, unfit to be a 3rd grade hall monitor, let alone Chair of the local GOP.

Here are the articles that I have developed against this scumbag, complete with screen captures that prove the positions taken.

The kool-aid drinking morons carrying his water like Gunga Din care nothing that he's scum.

What they care about is that he is THEIR scum.

The rap sheet that's leg-length doesn't matter.  The proven playground efforts at threats and intimidation... which NONE of his supporters would put up with were it directed towards them?

Equally meaningless.

His incompetence in handling party finances; his complete lack of caring or concern over security involving databases, the reeking hypocrisy he displays every waking minute?

His pathological lies?  Well, as long as they're not aimed at THEM...

Meaningless to the RINO vermin.

The only thing they want is power.  And they see this clueless idiot as their tool to get it.

Any one of these entries is reason to deny him continued involvement in the GOP.  But they think they can control this moron like the industrialists in Germany thought they could control Lew Water's hero, Adolf, and we have observed how THAT worked out for us, haven't we?

Now, this clown is a Boger puppet.  Even those he's abused want him there in some instances (How utterly stupid IS Carolyn Crain, anyway?) because of his anti-conservative bias.

Sadly, I'm not going to be around my PC soon enough to catalogue this worm's multiple violations of the behavior and competence this position demands.  The link is the best I can do.

I wish I could do more, but all I can do, which is to use this vehicle to illustrate what a punk he actually is... has been done.

Strip club manager indeed.

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