Saturday, October 07, 2017

The meeting rules for Insane Clown's efforts to "cleanse" the Board of those smart enough to want him gone.

Now, Insane tells us that a "majority of the PCO's have called for a special meeting to remove" board members.

Says who?

HIM?  THAT lying scumbag?

There is no way of knowing if that's true or false.  There is no way of knowing if the forms in question aren't forgeries.  It may very well be that he has the forms to show that a "majority" of PCO's have called for this... and that the PCO's on the forms have NO IDEA THEY'VE SIGNED THE FORMS.


Because in the interest of "transparency," this scumbag won't allow anyone to look at the forms that's not on his side of this issue.

Sounds legit, doesn't it?

And here's a huge irony: the "meeting rules," which are completely arbitrary and worthless UNLESS APPROVED BY THE PCO's LIMIT DEBATE TO 10 MINUTES TO REMOVE FOUR BOARD MEMBERS:

In Insane's Call to Meeting, he ends that garbage by writing:
  • The meeting will be at Clark County Square Dance Center on October 17th, 2017 at 715pm.  Please come and let your voice be heard.
Because, well, you know, dozens of PCOs who may want to weigh in on this issue can BE "heard" when debate is limited to 10 minutes.

And this is yet ANOTHER symptom of Insane's problems:  He refuses to allow those who want him gone to have a voice.

Because like most narcissists, he's both "perfect" AND a hypocrite.

I do not believe for one minute this scumbag has the petitions he claims he has.  He won't prove it.  And that he refuses to make them public is all the indictment anyone should need to know better.

Anyway, here are the rules that the PCO's should rewrite if they allow them at all.

And this is yet another glimpse into the sick mind of the scumbag running the CCGOP, Insane Clown... and his groupies, the Posse.

Meeting Rules
Clark County Republican Central Committee
Republican Party of Clark County Washington
October 17th, 2017 – Special Meeting
Membership of the Clark County Republican Central Committee (CCRCC) shall be the duly elected and appointed Precinct Committee Officers (PCO) within Clark County. Only Members, a Member of the CCRP Board, a credentialed WSRP representative, the Parliamentarian, Sergeant-at-Arms in accordance with these Rules, or other person on the Agenda of the Meeting shall be permitted to address the Members.  Only Members are permitted to make a motion or request to the body.
The following shall govern the proceedings of this Assembly in the following priority:
1.       Revised Code of Washington (RCW).
2.       The Washington State Republican Party Bylaws.
3.       The Clark County Republican Party Bylaws.
4.       These Rules.
5.       Robert’s Rules of Order, newly revised.
  • Call to Order.
  • Opening Prayer.
  • Pledge of Allegiance.
  • Reading of the Call to Meeting.
  • Roll Call.
  • Ascertaining of a Quorum.
  • Adoption of these Rules.
  • Reading of the Purpose of the Special Meeting:
In Accordance with Article VI Section 2.B of the Clark County Republican Party Bylaws the majority of PCO’s have called for a special meeting to remove State Committeeman Joe Wagner, State Committeewoman Katja Delavar, Treasurer Suzanne Gerhardt and Secretary Karen Trumbull for divisive conduct destructive to the goals of the Clark County Republican Party and unbecoming of their offices. This meeting is for the purpose of taking a vote by the body of the CCRCC with regards to the removal of the four members listed.
  • Discussion /10 minute limit in opposition of removal of the 4 board members.
  • Discussion / 10 minute limit in favor of removal of the 4 board members.
  • Vote of the body / secret ballot.
  • Announcement of the ballot results.
  • If removal fails, then Adjournment.
If the motion to remove is adopted, then immediate election of replacements.
  • Nominee Speeches / 2 minute limit
  • Votes of the body / Secret Ballot
  • If no majority, run off ballot / Top 2 Candidates
  • Announcement of new board members
  • Adjournment.

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