Thursday, October 05, 2017

More Republican idiocy: outlawing the so-called "bump-stock" --- the confusion of motion... with action.

We're already well aware of the slimeball GOP's determination to avoid getting rid of Obamacare.  It was much like Sen. Ann "Gas Tax" Rivers (D-Strategies 360) campaigning on her opposition to increasing gas taxes and tab fees in 2012, only to get you suckers to vote for her... a successful ploy on her part (It sucked me in....) but ultimately one of the biggest lies in local politics when she voted for the same massive tax and fee increases she claimed to oppose during that campaign.

NOW, we have a large group of people from all allegedly "conservative" walks of life who believe getting so-called "bump stocks" classified as illegal would solve all of our problems... nut jobs, criminals, terrorists... you name it.

It will make zero difference, of course: bump-stocks are hardly rocket science and can be home built rather easily: right now, all you have to do is look them up on the web and you can quickly... and cheaply... make your own.

Videos, written instructions, how-tos of all kinds abound.

This, then, stands as the Herrera-like School of Politics, where these clowns take the pressure off by making people THINK they're doing something... when the sad reality is... they're not.

And you can apply this idiocy to almost any subject:  illegal aliens, terrorism, crooked stock market dealings, prostitution, illegal gambling, crime generally... the plan isn't to effect change.  The plan is to make you, the voter and the donor, THINK you're effecting change.

At this point, I typically come up with suggested solutions for a problem... if, in fact, it is a problem.

The question is this: what is the hoped-for outcome?

That these incidents never happen again?

If that is the sought-for effort here, tell me: how does making these bump stocks illegal accomplish that?

Did the terrorists in San Bernardino use bump-stocks?  How about the one in Orlando?


If the law IS changed and these things ARE outlawed, does anyone who knows the difference between a bolt and a dust cover remotely believe it will stop ANYTHING from happening?

The confusion of "motion..." with "action."  This... is that.

It's what they count on.

As for me, I admit it.  I have no realistic, viable, constitutional solution.  And to achieve the fix for this, all 3 of those requirements must be met.

But what I know for sure is this:  Getting rid of bump-stocks... ain't it either.

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