Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Why do I vote democrat? This:

As someone who held down executive director's job of the state GOP I saw a lot, learned a lot and did a lot in the political realm.  As someone who had fought to get Republicans and only Republicans elected, the same applied.

Which begs the issue: how can I possibly vote democrat?

It's easy, actually.

ho I vote for are those who have not lied to us and/or ignored GOP tenets. once elected.  Who I vote against are those who run under false pretenses and then forget all about those who worked so hard to get them where they are.  And the harshest less on of them all is this: Voting for a label is insanity.

How many in office today do you know who ran as Republican but then voted as if they were democrat?

Please explain to me why anyone should vote for them.  Why do we keep sending the same liars back into office?

For many, being lied to isn't a problem. Integrity isn't in their resume review so they keep supporting those who use us, abuse us, ignore us and then lie to us; not only lying TO us, but lying about WHY they lied to us.

If you're a politician and you lie to me, you're done. Do the bidding of the downtown mafia over that of the expressed will of the people? You're done.

You want my vote? Earn it. Understand that once earned, you can lose it in the blink of an eye.

Vote for this past horrific budget that accomplished nothing except to load the WEA up with millions to maintain control over government? We're done.

Vote for the new state income tax dressed up as paid family leave? We're done.

Vote to increase taxes or fees without asking us? We're done.

Lie to get elected... or lie once you ARE elected? We're done.

So yeah... I vote democrat when the candidate running under the GOP banner doesn't even bear a passing resembleance to that actual variety of candidate... or person.

Wilson, Rivers, Weber, Vick, Kimsey, Harris, Herrera, Boldt, Blom, Stewart, Olsen... I will always vote for/support their opponent.

My vote is my voice. I refuse to simply ignore the fact that I AM lied to... I AM ignored... my taxes are MUCH higher now than they were when those pledged, allegedly, to protect us from that sort of thing took office... as willing participants in the act.

Simply not voting for these scum isn't enough. Voting for their opponent doubles the impact of my decision by cancelling out one of the suckers who did vote for them.

I can disagree with someone politically and still vote for them. I will vote for a democrat who I KNOW is going to vote in the legislature like a democrat over a fake Republican who TELLS us they are, allegedly, "conservative," but who, given the chance, will vote just like their special interest masters.

Do you believe, for one minute, that Ann Rivers isn't entirely owned by these people?

The fake Republican holding the job now bears no resemblance to the one who was elected.  She's been entirely coopted and if she fights at all, it's for the special interests who own her like the 13th Amendment was the 13th suggestion.

Why vote for a fake Republican who votes like a democrat when you can get the real thing?

And I match my conservatism to anyone's. What I refuse to do is to ignore the record.

If you have no integrity, then I don't want you in my government  And many... far TOO many... wearing the GOP button lack the integrity of a Broadway pimp.

I can't shoot them. But I can vote against them. And that's what I do.

At least we know up front that when you vote democrat, you ARE going to get screwed. With the RINOs in office around here, anyone's guess is as good as mine.

And I would rather have the certainty than the hope that those who pledged to fight bigger government, pledged to protect us from scams like McCleary, pledged to oppose gas tax and tab fee increases and pledged to oppose the CRC scam... managed to ignore all that when the time came to do what we sent them there TO do.

As a result, they've lost me. They've lost others. And they deserved to.

And THAT'S why I vote democrat.

Not because they're any better, per se'.  But because they haven't lied to me.

The GOP types aren't supposed to lie.  That's what the OTHER guys supposedly do.

They're SUPPOSED to have integrity and guts.

But from the highest levels of Congress to the lowest levels of county government, the GOP types fail.

Again and again.

And *I* am NOT going to reward them with my vote.


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