Tuesday, September 19, 2017

So: are the anti-Gellatly signs a good idea or a bad idea?

Many have commented on the signs and the surrounding campaign designed to remove David Gellatly as Chair of the local GOP.

Naturally, those who support Gellatly are opposed to the entire matter.

Naturally, those opposed to Gellatly support the campaign.

There are those in both camps with varying degrees of support or opposition.

There are those who parse it from an outside-in perspective, not particularly tempered by political experience.

There are those shooting off their mouths without the first, faint clue of what they're babbling about.

Let's take a look at this, shall we?

Perhaps if we defined terms?

What's happening here is a political campaign.

What is the definition of "political campaign?"
A political campaign is an organized effort which seeks to influence the decision making process within a specific group.
These are used for a variety of reasons and causes... for election campaigns, of course... to activate people to take certain actions (Call your Senator and tell them __________________ ... that sort of thing.) to raise money... and...

To raise awareness.

There are many that ascribe to political party identity that have zero understanding or idea what goes on under the surface.

Sometimes, situations in the organizations in question become so acute, so horrific, so likely to damage the outcomes, that the entire point of the exercise to out... and oust... this rotten leadership is to increase the bandwidth of those in a position to be activated to actually impact these outcomes.

There are many, relatively inexperienced in strategic politics, who view this as what is being called a "bad idea."

The problem boils down to this: It is always better to do something.... than it is to do nothing.... even if it's wrong.

Those complaining about this exercise seem bereft of viable alternatives.

Many don't see the "why" of it.  They view it from an academic, non-political perspective.  They look at all of this much the same way they looked at President Trump's campaign and many of them (most) are equally convinced that what's being done about Gellatly with these signs and other actions are negative in the overall sense.

How many of them felt the same way about the President's outcomes during the campaign is an open question.

As for me, there is zero down side.

Some of the naysayers complain about the airing of dirty laundry and so forth.  But they forget the power and effectiveness of negative campaigning when it comes to making things happen.

Local RINO clowns have been airing it like they're a public broadcasting station.  Nothing out there today, post sign placement, wasn't already out their 7 days ago, pre-sign placement.

The RINO attack dogs have been attempting to single out people in much the same way Gellatly has attempted to cull people out of the herd from the group opposing his continued association with the GOP in any capacity.

A leader wouldn't be reduced to bringing in a strip club manager to defend him.  One of his hangouts, no doubt.

Those opposed to his continued tenure and the damage his actions have caused as an Establishment puppet; combined with his juvenile delinquent behavior, his pathological lying, his threats and intimidation and his inability to understand that his job is to battle democrats (which he has yet to do) ...and not to expend thousands of words and hundreds of hours attacking those wise enough to oppose his incompetence and the incessant attitude wherein he views the CCGOP as his personal fiefdom to do with what he pleases; find themselves in a position where doing the same things while expecting a different outcome becomes political insanity.

In this instance, the worst that can happen is, well, nothing.  Gellatly continues on as Chair, even though the Board voted 7 to 4 to get rid of him.  He continues to destroy the party, allowing the establishment scum to run roughshod over the people of this county as we continue to get buried by out of control taxes and fees imposed by the fake Republicans who we mistakenly elected to spare us from all of that.

Short of acting like a conservative, I have long since pondered what it would take to earn Gellatly's political enmity  I mean, what does a lying senator have to say or do?

And like Gellatly, they will continue to lie.  As they have been doing while Gellatly has looked the other way, they will continue to turn a deaf ear to their constituents, continue to yoke us to additional unnecessary billons in taxes that will accomplish nothing, continue to vote like they're named Jim Moeller and in the case of Sen. Ann "Gas Tax" Rivers, seek employment with democrats paying them off for their votes.

Doing nothing is the worst possible thing if we are to avoid disaster.

If Gellatly doesn't leave, one way or the other, the base will not only stay home, they're liable to do what I did in many (most?) races on the ballot: vote democrat.

This is not going to end here, regardless.  It won't be all that difficult to educate the base as to what the Gellatly's, the Rivers', the Wilson's have done TO us instead of FOR us.

The elections in the 17th, for example: a campaign where the voters are asked "since the GOP is voting like democrats, what difference does it make who you support?"

The local GOP will be directly responsible for losing seats.  The GOP Senate is going to lose in the 45th and lose the majority in the Senate because of it.

Ironically, we as the taxpayers will notice little to no difference between democrat control and GOP control. After all, what can the dems do to us that the GOP hasn't already done?

Not that GOP control has done much FOR us, instead of TO us, but here locally, the responsibility will rest with the local RINO sect holding the rest of the local party organization hostage.

The BEST that can happen is the removal of Gellatly and his cabal before the next election.  Removal of a punk who attacks people... who threatens and intimidates... who fails to show a modicum of competence... cannot help but to invigorate the party and restore the base (to the extent the base can be restored after the horrific betrayals of the state GOP Senate and the GOP US Congress)

Restoration of the GOP... a GOP that has to hold their candidates and elected accountable for their actions has to begin somewhere... might as well begin here and now.

In sum, the downside is that nothing happens and this agonizing, ongoing train wreck where David Gellatly is engineer continues.

I support what's happening here.  I support every legal effort to remove this clueless, incompetent thug who knows nothing about human decency, let alone leadership.

And as much as he and his thugs would like to believe I have some involvement in all of this, I must admit I do not.

I wish I did, however.

I wish I did.

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