Saturday, September 16, 2017

Resolving the CCGOP divide.

Of those politically active around here in the Clark County, WA GOP area, we seem to have devolved into two distinct camps.

The divide is pretty straight forward.

Like those of us who cling to our Bible and our guns, there are many who view the ideal of Republicanism as the political Gold Ring or something like that.

Smaller, more efficient, cheaper, more effective government that serves the will of the people.

A government made up of elected officials, particularly of the Republican variety, who have integrity; who give their word and stand by it.

Sadly, around here, we no longer have that or anything even resembling that.

The other side of the issues could care less about those issues.  They are in it for whatever they can get.

No lie to get elected is disallowed by its practititioners.  No exaggeration, no desperate attempts to avoid accountability and no untruth is out of bounds.

Personal attacks are the order of the day.  Threats and intimidation are prominent features of their tool box.

They do not care in the least what the reality is; they only care about the myth of the label they use and then discard like old socks when they see it as convenient to do so.

We are lied to on a regular basis in an effort to placate those who become increasingly alarmed at what they see.

When we protest about those who lie as a part of their political act, they and their supporters vilify and attack those who would question... those who would demand accountability from those who lied to get elected... and once elected, who lie to stay that way.

Efforts to hold these RINOs accountable are met with disdain.  Those whose efforts to elect democrats and their fellow leftist RINOs unleash their attack dogs.

The current embarrassment of a party chairman, David Gellatly, even went so far as to enlist the aid of one of his friends who runs a strip club for a living.

Those of us opposed to this incompetent buffoon are conservatives.  We have tools.  We have abilities.  We have loyalties to a philosophy that rises above the insanity of the leftist, fake Republicans infesting the local party.

The current chair of that organization has, by himself, done more to damage the brand then all of his fellow RINOs put together.

The Board voted to get rid of him 7 to 4,  but that vote required a 2/3rds majority... so he packed the vote to avoid the question going to the PCO's, the bed rock of any party organization.

He did not want such a vote because he and his lackeys know that he wouldn't survive it.

The critical element, then, in resolving the GOP divide is for the current chair to resign.

He needs to be replaced by someone who, unlike the current chair, can tamp down any megalomaniacal, narcissistic tendencies they may have.

He needs to be replaced by someone with competence, someone who understands that opposition to a position or to an action does not always equate to a personal affront.

Whoever replaces Gellatly has to be someone of maturity, someone who can avoid the playground histrionics, someone who can avoid having private detective buddies dig up information on opponents and then threaten to use it... inaccuracies notwithstanding.

Someone who makes a statement and then stands behind it... unlike Mr. Delete.

That person has to understand that the organization does not exist as their personal play thing.  They must understand that the social idiocy so craved by the current chair comes in a distant third or 4th or 20th to the primary duties of a party chair:  enlarging the volunteer organization, supporting proven Republicans who' like us, "cling" to the tenets of Republicanism, and who will hold candidates and elected Republicans accountable when they lie, when they exaggerate, when they fail to utilize integrity as their watchword.

Those who refuse to support those characteristics support the current chair that lacks all of those innate qualities of the variety of leadership a volunteer political organization requires.

Those who lecture us that lying is "how politics is done" have no place in that realm, where they pollute it with the stain of their dishonor in every possible way.

They are a part of the fetid swamp that has resulted in the mess we're in at just about every level.

Only after Gellatly is replaced with someone focused on the singular goal of spending more time opposing the left than being co-opted by the left, the singular goal of instituting integrity, truth and adherence to Republican principles can this divide begin to be healed.

And until that happens... the divide will grow far beyond the current gaping maw that he has worked so hard to turn it into.

It will be a long and difficult course; much like undoing the horrific damage caused by the Obama regime will take a long, long time as well.

But it must be done.  Or when it matters, the base of this county will stay home.  And the gap between ever achieving the majority... and the governor's mansion... will continue to grow beyond what we have now... because those in power at all levels have betrayed us one time too many.

I tell you this now: I will always vote against any RINO who is running for or holding office.

Locally, I will always oppose our worthless Congresswoman, who earned White House enmity by trashing the President during the campaign by joining with our two worthless democrat Senators.

Additionally, Sen. Ann "Gas Tax" Rivers (D-Strategies 360) Sen. Lynda "Liar" Wilson (D-Tracy) Rep. Paul "Look for the union label" Harris (D-CRC Scammer) Rep. Brandon "I wasn't listening" Vick (D-CRC scammer) Auditor Greg "What, me lie about the Charter?"  Kimsey (D-Downtown Mafia) and County Clerk Scott "Sure, I'll lie to get the job" Weber will always be on that list.

There are some teetering on the brink.  There are others on the list.

But I would rather vote for a democrat who tells the truth, even though I may be politically opposed to that truth, than a liar who uses the GOP shield to get elected... and who then votes... or acts... like a democrat anyway.

Somewhere... at some time... we MUST draw the line and refused to be crossed on it.  We CANNOT continue to support those or vote for those who view us as mere chattel, to be pushed around and abused on their whim, hoping that our typically ongoing lack of attention to these matters continues to insure their ongoing tenure in office.

Your mileage my vary.  But that's how I see it.

And the first step to getting rid of these and those like them is to replace the guy doing the most to enable them: David Robert Gellatly.

1 comment:

  1. Very good article..only thing I would ad is remembering our Oath to the Constitution and not to the Party..I recently sent out an email to all fellow PCOs regarding to remembering our Oath and what our Founders warned about with Party politics ...

    Mike Garrison
    PCO #595


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