Friday, September 15, 2017

Kim fires another missile: President Trump CAN'T "Obama" this; he MUST act.

Our foreign policy has been an abysmal disaster for the past several years (more than 8, by the way) and now we have a new sheriff in town.

The North Koreans (NorKs) are tweaking our collective noses with these missile flights.

Do not believe, even remotely, for a single second that they are doing this in a vacuum. I find it impossible to believe that at the least, China isn't in on this big time.

Does anyone even remotely believe that this punk would be doing any of this without China's forbearance?

They watched in amazement as both Obama and that criminally incompetent cow, Clinton allowed our people to be slaughtered in Benghazi.

Russia began slicing up choice parts of the Ukraine while Obama sat on his hands... as they expected he would because it fit the pattern.

Fast forward several months later.

I get it.  What better way to test the new guy?

Is he going to be a pansy-assed coward like Obama?

It's not like the rest of the world, China and Russia for sure, didn't know they could get away with literal murder on Obama's watch.  Who can forget the infamous "red line in the sand" nonsense that pathetic imitation of a president spoke of?

So now, how do we find out... for sure... what Trump is made of?

The clown that was president did his part.  He allowed combat effectiveness to disappear.  He turned the military into a social test tube the will negatively impact readiness for years to come.

Meanwhile, both the Russian and Chinese militaries have been increasing in size and capability while ours has been decreasing in both.

We've been far too focused in the insanity of sex change operations and putting girls into ground combat which they are ENTIRELY incapable of handling.  We've seen our budgets and manpower sliced in the MIDDLE of a war. We've kicked out combat veterans, including NCO's who have LED men in combat because of fricking TATTOOS.

And now, we've got a guy playing the role of psycho, ramping it up and aiming his missiles at us or our allies.

We CANNOT NOT respond... and when we do, we must do so in ways that will make him hurt.

Some are afraid war will result.

Time has shown that acting like cowards and backing down to psychos like Kim inevitably leads to war.

Look up Neville Chamberlain for a short history.  He assured the world that when Hitler signed a worthless piece of paper, they had "achieved peace in our time."

It is ALWAYS better to start... and fight... a war on OUR terms.

The alternative is to fight such a war on theirs.

People ARE going to do.  MASSIVE destruction s going to be the result.  But as we wait, the possible of mind-numbing, inconceivable destruction increases by the minute.

If we do not act against Kim... and soon... even if such action is unilateral... then this will just be the start of the destruction.

If we do not act... then why should any of these punks... including Russia or China... stop their territorial, political and economic aggression against us and the entire Western World?

Why should ISIS worry?  Why should al Qaeda?  Why should any terrorist outfit give a damn what we say since they know that odds are we won't follow through?

My niece, of all things, is a brand new, newly minted 2nd Lieutenant who is going to be assigned as a tank platoon leader in Ft. Hood.

As it is, relatively speaking, she is going to have about 60 seconds before the shooting starts.

I pray that she doesn't get killed or get anyone else killed.  But she is soon going to get the opportunity to discover the killing part of Combat Arms.

She has to.  Because if President Trump doesn't start shooting... and soon... we haven't begun to suffer what we are GOING to suffer.

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