Thursday, September 14, 2017

Waters and the politics of hatred.

For quite some time now, we've noticed an interesting perspective on the political realm towards the left end of the political spectrum: the politics of hatred.

During the most recent presidential campaign, the left engaged in violence, slander, lies, distortion and exaggeration to try and make their point.  Their opposition to now-President Trump wasn't based on his policies so much; after all, in many instances, a sizable majority of this country supports at least some of those policies.

No, it was based on their hatred of the man himself and the threat he represented in his stated quest to undo the damage inflicted by the 8-year-long regime of the Obama.

Arguably, no other president had done more to damage this country domestically or in the foreign policy realm than Obama and his winged monkeys.

I won't bother to recite the list of offenses perpetrated against the American people by that cancer on our society:  those paying attention already know what he did to us and those not paying attention wouldn't be interested.

But the opposition to our president today has a commonality, a singular thread that binds them altogether.


The #NeverTrump/Leftist types simply hate the man.  Their hatred has been reinforced and pushed into their DNA.  It's the basis for the fascist actions of antifa.  It's the basis for the obstructionist actions of the RINO-controlled Congress.

Their guy (or woman as the case may be) lost.  ALL of their predictions that President Trump would never be the GOP nominee?  Out the window, making them all look like idiots.

Their prediction that Clinton would clobber Mr. Trump in the general?

Well, we all know how THAT turned out, don't we?

And the butthurt of the naysayers continues unabated.

It's spilled blood, resulted in efforts to reign in presidential powers they allowed the criminally incompetent Obama without a second thought and it's caused a great deal of harm when it comes to the agenda the man was elected to put into place by the American people.

And that hatred, of course, has seeped through at all levels.

Locally, the prime example of that hatred is Lew Waters.

Waters used to be a man of principle.  He had his guns, so to speak, and he stuck by them.

And then, all of a sudden, he became infected by the politics of hate.

It was like he'd caught a virus.

It started with his hatred of David Madore and his subsequent desire to sell out to the left in his quest to get Marc Boldt elected to county chair... and to be "liked."

He joined with the fringe-left types financed by David Nirenberg to make sure that Madore was defeated in the last election.  This fake, self-proclaimed conservative opposed the only conservative running, albeit through a write-in campaign, in the general election in 2015 and we've been suffering for his opposition along with the rest of the RINO crew (The Wilsons particularly have... and continue to... screw us on these levels) to the only hope we had of continuing to reign in government around here.

He banned together with the RINO element of the local GOP, and did all he could to make sure that local conservatives were not elected.  He got what he wanted.

Most recently, he announced this:

Support or opposition to anything should be based on the thing itself.

An idea, a philosophy, a plan... the source of those things is not important: what's important is the substance of those things.

A good idea is a good idea, regardless of the where it comes from.  A good candidate is a good candidate, regardless of extraneous crap like that cited by Lewy to excuse his abandonment of principle.

To take a political position on anyone because of issues completely irrelevant to that candidate.... to support or oppose candidates, not because of their merits (or their lack of merits) but because of extraneous crap, real or imagined, is the act of a child... a punk teenager-type.

And it is just as much the politics of hate as anything antifa has done or will do.

Leftists count on it; the reaction to Waters giving into his hatred by his leftist cadre' was immediate:

Anyone believing that the thought process that brought Waters to this position was anything BUT his hatred simply doesn't know him.

And I appreciate Steve Nelson being a faithful follower of my meager effort here, though I have to wonder:

What difference does it make what *I* think or say?

Lew will tell you that nobody reads my blog.

Right, Lew?

Meanwhile, this entire sorry episode makes as much sense as me starting to hammer Greene because Waters supports him.

Given Lew's recent leftist proclivities, there's little doubt that Dan Coursey is thrilled that Lefty Lew is supporting another one of his leftist buddies for mayor of Washougal... as if anyone there cared what Lewy thinks about the government of a city that he doesn't live in and has no say over.

Crain's rabid support of Greene is troubling: generally, anyone Crain supports is going to be utterly worthless.

And, I'm reasonably sure that Mr. Greene is going to lose anyway.  After all, if he relies on Crain for political advice... is this a good time to ask him: how many elections has SHE won?

Nevertheless, that's not my circus and not my monkeys.

For my part, I freely admit that I have and will continue to vote for democrats whenever someone claiming to be a Republican lies to us, abuses us or ignores us.

I will be voting democrat whenever a RINO is running, and GOD Knows we have more than our fair share of those claiming to be GOP out-democrating the democrats.

Locally, the RINO/Liar list is very long.

But those votes against those people are driven by policy and a definitive lack of integrity.  Those who lie to us   like Rivers, Wilson, Kimsey, Weber and the like, I will always actively oppose and use my platform here to remind the voters that integrity is as arcane a concept to these scum as Sanskrit.

For example, I will always vote for anyone running against Sen. Ann "Gas Tax" Rivers (D-Strategies 360) as she is a proven liar.  Her claim to being a Republican is as meaningless as Lewy's claim to being a conservative.

But that decision will NEVER be based on what someone else has said or done that's irrelevant to the candidate.  My decisions are not based on the color of apples, the most recent Seahawks loss or the fuel problems in my race car.

They are based on actions, polices and the integrity of the candidate... or, as in Rivers' case, the lack thereof.

But Water's hissy-fit here is a prime example of political hatred driving a position.  It's antifa in different clothing.

It's the worst that politics has to offer.

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