Thursday, September 21, 2017

Time for DACA recipients to be deported.

Naturally, leftists and the illegal aliens being protected under Obama's illegal executive order are upset that maybe, just maybe, DACA is going to get revoked.

Well, it should be.

And they should be deported.

I'm sorry, but I simply don't care when these people were brought here.

They were illegal then; they were illegal when Obama decided to try and get them to vote democrat, and they're illegal now.

That they may not have had any say in the matter doesn't protect them from the law.  The idea that some illegals are more or less illegal than others, or that families are being "broken up" because of this is absurd.

Of those protected by DACA, is the local democratian going to run the stories of the murderers, robbers and rapists?  Or even the drunks who killed others with their cars?  Of course not.

In the comments section under the story of this clown, this guy has been apparently charge/convicted of domestic violence and rape along with 4 other cases of some sort.

The newspaper story naturally didn't mention that.

I wonder why?

As for the "Vancouver man deported. leaving behind his wife and seven children," wasn't this HIS choice as well as his wife's?

Why didn't she, doesn't she, go down there with him?

You know, you can just see the GoFundMe page now:
"My illegal alien husband was deported according to the law.  We're split up.  Help me to raise the funds I need to move down to Mexico so my kids won't be without their father and I won't be without my husband."
Imagine the publicity of THAT!

See, the "leaving the wife and seven kids behind" or the tear-jerking "split up family" scam ain't the thing.

The THING is that these people want to wiz on our laws to stay HERE.

And my question is this: how does allowing that to happen deter those who want to follow in their footsteps?

It's doesn't.

That they came here illegally does not... MUST not ascribe to them ANY special privilege not afforded to those who follow the rules and wait their turn.  What it DOES do is result in the insanity Obama was looking for of kids jammed on trains and shoved over the border on the off-chance they could BECOME anchor babies.

So, no.  Send them all back.  Otherwise?

There's no end to those who view this country as an illegal alien destination resort... or the numbers  of those who will take advantage of it.

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