Thursday, September 21, 2017

Clearly, there is no lie Gellatly won't tell... or that the rag won't allow him.

It's tough to have an outright lying scumbag as your local GOP Party Chair.

Particularly when he emulates the actions of a pathological liar.

This blog is replete with examples of this nut job's actions: his lies about me, his lies about others; his brutal incompetence and his abysmal failure of a Lincoln Day Dinner debacle... one that I easily forecasted ahead of time.

In everything from bringing in a strip-club manager buddy to defend him to multiple DUI's and a record as long as your arm, this guy has shown himself to be an utter lowlife who is unfit to be a crossing-guard, let alone a major party chair.

In the local democratian, they posted this:
All Politics is Local

Clark County GOP infighting goes IRL

Efforts to de-seat Clark County Republic Party chair David Gellatly are unwavering. In addition to the recent coup attempt by members of the Clark County Republican Board, numerous social media campaigns to remove Gellatly have popped up. RemoveGellatly, for example.

But that’s not all. The party infighting made its public debut when signs, like the one shown below, were posted around town.

CCRP Gellatly sign
This photo was published in the Facebook group “South West Washington Opinions” shows one of the RemoveGellatly signs displayed in Clark County.

Some are taking their distaste of Gellatly a step further and creating parody accounts. Dillatory Dave is a cartoon that has both its own Facebook page and website. The Blind Onions features CCRP board members Leslie Meharry, Jimmy Johnson and Clyde Holland. A website called SwampMemes features more than 80 memes mocking Gellatly and a few select members of the Clark County GOP.

Last but certainly not least, the social media campaign went IRL Wednesday when a handful of protesters holding signs adorned with phrases like “Clyde Holland Protects Abusive Disgraced County GOP Chairman” stood outside the Holland Partner Group around lunchtime.

I asked Gellatly for comment. Here’s what he said:
David Gellatly“There are a very few people looking to cause disruption and spread lies. They went as far as to pay people to hold signs in front of Mr. Holland’s office, and create false narratives on ridiculous websites all while hiding their own faces. 
The purpose of the Clark County Republican Party is to elect Republicans to office. Myself, along the majority of good people within our party, remain focused on this purpose, despite the attempts to disrupt this purpose from this small minority of extremist views. 
This attack has nothing to do with the false claims they think will damage the leadership’s reputation, the attack is solely due to extremists wanting control over our party and showing they are willing to say and do anything for their agenda. 
If anyone has any questions with regards to the Clark County Republican Party, I am always happy to answer them and provide accurate information.”

Of course, this Sword person shows her bias by falsely labeling the effort by the Board to get rid of this clown... a 7-4 vote FOR his removal, as a "coup attempt," which of course, the Board vote was NOT:
"Coup" defined: a sudden, violent, and illegal seizure of power from a government:
"he was overthrown in an army coup"
That this woman couldn't find anyone at the building or anyone involved to get a quote from THEM implies that what this lying slimeball said was actually the truth.

The problem is that those of us on the inside know that Gellatly is a liar, a hypocrite and incompetent.  He thinks he can intimidate people into silence.  Seems that kind of crap has sorta backfired with me.

That the man is a coward is indisputable.  If he weren't, he would have allowed the Board vote, he would have recused himself and he would have allowed his expulsion to be fought out where it should be: among the PCO's.  But since he knows what the outcome of THAT fight would be... and that "small minority of extremist PCOs would boot his ass to the curb in a New York second.

That the local GOP has this lying sleazeball as chair is a stain on local politics that will take years to wash away.  And his lying about what's going on doesn't change it.

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