Sunday, September 10, 2017

More proof that the GOP Senate, including Rivers and Wilson, are wasting billions on education.

Fascinating story in the local Democrat Daily:

Washington students hold steady on state tests, making ‘little progress’

Education leaders say state has long way to go

The upshot?

Our GOP-controlled State Senate has been dumping more and more billions into the WEA-controlled education plant, most recently culminating in the $5.5 BILLION rip off of this past session.

Sen. Ann "Gas Tax" Rivers (D-Strategies 360) was instrumental in stuffing the teacher's union's pockets full of cash... all without teacher accountability or performance standard increase one.

We have added something on the order of $10 billion to the education black hole over the past few years... and with those thugs, enough is never enough.

And now, thanks in part to Rivers and Wilson, who both voted for this fiscal rape, our state portion of property taxes around here are going to skyrocket according to our local Assessor... Wilson's and River's lies to the contrary notwithstanding.

The problem with this scam is simple: my position all along has been that NO amount of money will EVER be enough, PARTICULARLY without increasing standards and accountability.

Now, we're just wasting billions on our status quo mediocrity.

Money has NEVER been the measure of student outcomes:  If "money" fixed the problems confronting education, Baltimore, for example, would be producing nothing but geniuses.

Instead, these two and their GOP Senate colleagues voted to dump billions more into the education scam with NO accountability, NO performance standards or targets and MASSIVE property tax increases on many... and, according to Peter Van Nortwick, that "many" includes US...on top of the biggest gas tax and tab fee increases this state has ever known... all a result of the RINO State Senate.

So, the next time the GOP comes around with open pockets to dump your cash into for campaigns, remember this.

And then ask them: What are you going to do FOR us... instead of TO us?

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