Sunday, September 10, 2017

Why does Crain keep supporting Gellatly after Gellatly hammered her for my blog? Crain's lie of the Clark County PCO INFO page.

We already know the pathetic nature of fake Republican Carolyn Crain who worked so hard to get my clueless brother-in-law elected county chair and who endorsed Chuck Green against Julie Olsen.

Apparently, she is unaware that Davey Gellatly used to trash her every hour on the hour to me, so I'd beat her to a pulp on my blog.

Well, the hounds are after Gellatly.  And for whatever the reason, Crain feels compelled to front for the guy that trashed her... to me.

So, what does she do?  She sets up a page to beat those smart enough to oppose Gellatly, something called "Clark County WA PCO INFO" that states the following:

There are "no comments" restrictions.

Well, unless you out this clown.  Like I did:

Copied to my post on SW Washington Opinions

That was in response to her pathetic effort here:

Naturally, Crain immediately deleted my post on her page.  After all, it's a discussion for Republicans only if they toe HER line.

Being a leftist, Crain has no problem relying on a fringe left columnist, in this case, Lefty Lou Brancaccio and his 7-year-old column as inaccurate as it was as if it somehow discredits me and somehow defends Gellatly and the rest of the RINOs.

It's her moronic page, of course, and it's her privilege to allow whatever she wants on the said page.

But to claim that there are "No comment restrictions" after deleting MY comment?

Well, that's just the kind of lying hypocrisy RINOs are known for.

Meanwhile, the world wonders:  Why does she keep carrying Gellatly's water after Gellatly beat her to a pulp so I'd out her?

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