Saturday, August 26, 2017

Thoughts on Sheriff Joe.

It's said (because I say it a lot, given that it's true) that both politics and nature abhor a vacuum.

Sheriff Joe Arpaio became a force in law enforcement because of his interesting "rehabilitation" techniques which have been documented frequently in many other venues.

But he also became known for his efforts in enforcing immigration laws against illegal aliens.

To set the table, I oppose the presence of illegal aliens here in our country.

To set it further, I don't give a damn what their nationality, color, religion or sexual preference/gender identity issues may be.

We are, allegedly, a nation of laws.  While I find that a systemic approach to ending this illegal alien destination resort would go a long ways towards eliminating the problem of illegals, it will be a while... if ever... until that philosophy is implemented; although it would be the easiest thing, by far, to do to end illegal aliens as a problem... no matter where they come from.

The vacuum Sheriff Joe made a stellar effort to fill was the pathetic lack of enforcement of those laws which, when enforced, are designed to keep illegals out.  The guilty party there was the federal government.

Not just under Obama, although his efforts to open our borders to anyone while freeing tens of thousands of illegal alien criminals into this country are the stuff of legend.  (Look up MS13 and related as a brief primer: Obama is as responsible for their presence here as he's responsible for the "JV Team" that is ISIS)  But the entirety of the enforcement of our Borders since Eisenhower's round up deported around 1.5 million during the course of his efforts, with hundreds of thousands more self-deporting during that time frame, has been abysmal.  (See "Operation Wetback")

The result today is millions of illegals living here as openly as citizens.  And everything that goes along with it.

We hear of the stories... the multi-time deported illegals who commit crimes... Murder...( Francisco Sanchez, deported multiple times, shooting and killing Kathryn Steinle) and here more locally, rape of a 65-year-old woman by a man deported at least 13 times (Sergio Jose Martinez) to name a very small few of those slaughtering and otherwise hurting those here legally... and the pathetic response by municipalities around the country has been to become even more vocal about their efforts to foil federal law and the President's efforts to enforce it with these illegal sanctuary cities, counties and states.

Clearly, Sheriff Joe wasn't having it.  He saw a need and he filled it.

Arizona passed a sweeping state level law, SB1070, which reflected the horrific failures of the federal government to ignore the laws of this country concerning our secure borders.

It was an attempt to pick up the slack for the Fed, to protect the people of Arizona.

Instead of acting to strengthen the borders and increase implementation of these laws that have been on the books for years... and ignored... for years... the Obama Administration worked to have the laws overturned so they could go back to dimly ignoring them.

The blood spilled by the illegals Obama allowed here?  That's on his hands.  As is the blood spilled by the illegals past presidents allowed here happens to be on theirs.

I've been reading comments around the web today.  It's devolved primarily into two camps:  Arpaio's a racist who ought to be hung if the leftists are to be believed on one side... and applause for the President's pardon of the man from this MISDEMEANOR on the other.

I support the pardon.  From Sheriff Joe's perspective, he had little choice in the matter: he could ignore his oath and watch these law-breakers go free... or he could act to get them removed from this county and this country... which should be the duty of everyone with a badge.

There was little doubt the leftists wanted this now 85-year-old locked up.

In fact, many of them wanted him dead.

And now?  That ain't gonna happen. Leftists see that as their "proof" that the President is a racist.

But then, that's much like seeing Obama's pardon of druggies and murderers as proof he was on smack.

Frequently, to be a leftist is to be a hypocrite.  This is them... doing that.

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