Friday, August 25, 2017

What is it with RINOs and this blog? And what happened to DRG?

Some of the current, leading RINOs of Clark County have, over the years, done a great job of feeding me information... Particularly when it served their ends.

Ann "Gas Tax" Rivers

Brent "Guess I'm Never going to be a Judge" Boger

David "Not For Long" Gellatly

To name a few.

But let me disagree with them... and By Golly, I become "Gas Tax" Rivers' "dishonorably discharged veteran" (Particularly ironic given some body's history I happen to know) or

Brent "Judge" Boger's "disgraced blogger."

And who could forget the Chair of the Clark County GOP, David "Can't wait to share what you write" Gellatly?

Over the years, politically, I've pretty much remained the same.

My positions.... just about what they always were.

Rivers had no problem with me when I was working on her campaigns, spending hours in consultation with her, going to dinner with her and her husband Fred... even being in business with her for several years.

But hold her accountable for her multiple betrayals of her county... her district... and, well, me... even though that was my JOB... (As described by Rivers personally... my gig was to "keep me on track," she said on more than one occasion...) and her hiring by a democrat campaign company, Strategies 360, WHILE A SITTING SENATOR "NEGOTIATING" A $5 BILLION GIVE AWAY TO THE TEACHER'S UNION... among other things... and suddenly, I become Satan's spawn.

Boger, in fact, had no trouble at all when I volunteered for his campaign for prosecutor and used this very blog to defend him against his now best bud, Lefty Lou Brancaccio (Has Lefty been replaced?  No?  I guess that shows how unimportant HE was, since they never bothered to fill his job.)  He's provided me with a great deal of info in the past and we worked well in the background to try and kill that horrific charter scam that screwed us so hard since the 49th voted it in.

But then... then... the RINO sect found themselves on the outside looking in.  And they didn't like that... AT ALL.

I started hammering "Gas Tax" Rivers for lying about her position on gas tax and tab fee increases.  I nailed her for overstating how much she had in her campaign account by around $180,000... for a year... I beat on her like a drum when she went out and recruited Battle Ground City Councilman Shane (let's put a 15% sales tax on food) Bowman to run against Rep Liz Pike because Liz wouldn't obey Ann's "orders."

I serve as a thorn of truth in the side of her lies... and so this is what she says in return.

I get that.

Boger, for what seems like the dozenth time, claimed to return to the GOP.  He got a bit piqued at some Bylaw changes, claiming many were illegal and so on...  and discovering that few cared.  SO, he ran for PCO and sadly, won.  I heard of his plans; he aligned with leftist Carolyn "Fake Republican PAC" Crain and his buddy Sean "The Mad Texter" Guard in a failed effort to install RINO's at the top... and has been since limited to taking what he thinks is surreptitious pictures and videos and attacking anyone, including County Assessor Peter Van Nortwick, for even talking to me.

How quickly Boger forgets... how much he worked with this "disgraced" blogger.

And Davey?  DRG is no different.  Like the other two, a complete hypocrite.

No one has put as much effort into savaging me as Gellatly.

Made up crap ("Fired" by Rivers... forced to back down when I bet him his job as Chairman that I could prove that to be a lie... and a paste job from Rivers claiming that I was a "Dishonorably Discharged" veteran... forced to back down when I drilled him for being a lying SOB and telling him that I will be suing him.) because I disagreed with his abysmal handling of the Lincoln Day Dinner and his decision to pay Tomi Cleavage more money than any other speaker in CCGOP history I'm told, particularly after that child... (frankly, I can't quite understand why a punk like her is worth listening to regardless of any political positions she may have or had) made her pro-abortion cred known.

For his part, Davey promised that as a result of his efforts, this would be the greatest Lincoln Day Dinner in Clark County history.

For my part, I knew he'd say that regardless of the outcome... and the outcome was abysmal.

THE biggest fund raiser of the year didn't raise enough money to keep the office open beyond, possibly, the next 3 months.

Because it was a financial failure, the focus shifted to other, far more secondary "successes" that resulted from DRG being forced to give away tickets he couldn't sell... like "new faces..." as if THEY paid the bills.

And now... now... DRG has retreated to merely "cut and paste" leadership.  No substance... just links to what OTHERS are doing... and, of course, his "bi-partisan" activities like an upcoming "Alzheimer's function..." designed to make him look good... like that idiotic softball game that took place shortly after Congressman Steve Scalise  was shot by a fringe-left nutjob during softball practice in Washington, D.C.

That sort of thing accomplishes nothing, of course, except to burnish Davey's "statesman" cred.

The problem, of course, is that as Chair, he has only two jobs:  Raising money for the local Party and defeating the democrats.

Davey has done neither.

I have called him on this... and I will continue to call him on this sort of thing until he's gone.... which will hopefully be soon.

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