Monday, August 28, 2017

Sheriff Joe and the RINO outings...

OK: Here's my brief take on Sheriff Joe:

He's been convicted of MISDEMEANOR contempt.  He's now 85 years old.  There's no question that this judge, who appears to have been the subject of a criminal investigation by Arpaio and who should have recused himself as a result, charged Arpaio with two weeks remaining in the election (last November) would jail Arpaio and there were, apparently, at least some elements of political motivation in an effort to make sure he was not reelected.

Other Republicans have been convicted of various bogus charges, later overturned, for just that reason: Sen. Ted Stevens (R-AK) was convicted as a result of massive prosecutorial misconduct and the timing of the trial was meant to insure he would likely lose as a result of that trial and, in fact, he did... although after the election, the Justice Department dropped the charges against Stevens.

While House Majority Leader, Rep. Tom DeLay was charged with "conspiracy to violate election law," which caused him to step down from Majority Leader and then, under pressure from the same RINO elements screwing us now, make the decision to not run for reelection.  He was convicted of the charges, brought by a democrat prosecutor, when a Texas Court of Appeals ruled that evidence did not support the conviction.

I am reminded that during his tenure, Barack Obama pardoned over 1900 convicted felons.  He cut loose dozens of terrorists from Gitmo that had killed and maimed Americans... and after he gratefully cut them loose, most of them returned to do it again.

Some of those have committed murder since Obama released them.  Some, rape.  Some, robbery. None of them resulted in the RINOs... or the fringe-leftists... attacking Obama the way they've attacked President Trump for pardoning Arpaio.

The list includes the usual #NeverTrumper scum: Speaker Ryan, McCain, Flake (living up to his name), something called Justin Amash (MI-03) along with their leftist buddies couldn't wait to trash the President for his decision.

Since the President began his campaign through now, the RINO #NeverTrumpers and the left have attacked him incessantly.  They combine to, typically, oppose everything he says and everything he does.

Arpaio's conviction appears to have been politically motivated as stated, the man is 85 years old and there is little likelihood that he stood any chance of a fair and unbiased judiciary at his October sentencing.  That the RINO reaction seems to have exceeded the relatively muted democrat response is based on a simple axiom: if a political opponent (The GOP RINO Leadership) is determined to commit political suicide, our job (the democrats) is to stay quiet and let them.

When 2018 rolls around... and we're still yoked by Obamacare, a massive increase in the so-called "debt ceiling," increases in our multi-trillion dollar debt (Twenty, is it?) as well as a failure to finish tax reform and the like, the cause will be the ever-shrinking concentric circles that end with these low life crooks who all ran on platforms promising all of these things. (Just like you: right, Jaime?)

Like the leftists they're aligned with, they are dedicated to the destruction of the Trump administration and as a result, we are caught in the middle.

But since when did these scum ever care about us?

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