Tuesday, August 29, 2017

(Notice of intent to remove Gellatly as Chair) Things aren't going well for Davey Gellatly

Tsk, tsk.

So, Davey is in receipt of a notice of "intent to remove Gellatly as Chairman."

Will wonders never cease.

To address that issue, there is a vote scheduled for this Saturday, to refer getting rid of Gellatly to the PCO's.  It will require a 2/3d's vote to move it forward.

I'm not going to replay the multiple reasons Davey should be axed: they've been gone over repeatedly.

His removal is an obvious step to restoring competency to local CCGOP leadership as this guy is clearly in WAYYY over his head and no more should be running the local CCGOP than he should be running a 3rd-grade student council.

But the skullduggery that's afoot?

Davey's juvenile antics resulted in the Vice Chair, LA Melharry, resigning from the Board.

That position remains vacant.  Now, it appears that Davey has rounded up the puppet he wants to replace LA.

Davey, being Davey, wants to control everything so this vote for Vice Chair is scheduled to take place on September 14th AT DAVEY'S HOUSE!

Nothing sketchy about THAT, eh?

Any vote on the Vice Chair position should be postponed until AFTER the outcome of Gellatly is determined... and that election SHOULD be done by the PCOs. (NOTE: I have been informed that the PCO's DO vote on this replacement.  I misunderstood the process and for that I apologize.)

It's not just corrupt politics... it's badly DONE.... and OBVIOUS corrupt politics.

But that's the variety we've come to expect from this guy.

Here's the email he sent out campaigning for both himself and his hand-picked replacement.... since there's a decent likelihood that if Gellatly is referred to the PCO's he'll resign first (That's typically better than getting fired) and the Vice Chair then... becomes the Chair.

Remember back in the Nixon days?  Remember Nixon had a VP... a guy named Spiro Agnew?

Well, it was starting to look bleak for ol' Spiro.  (Holy pusillanimous pussyfooters, Batman!)
Less than a year before Richard M. Nixon’s resignation as president of the United States, Spiro Agnew becomes the first U.S. vice president to resign in disgrace. The same day, he pleaded no contest to a charge of federal income tax evasion in exchange for the dropping of charges of political corruption. He was subsequently fined $10,000, sentenced to three years probation, and disbarred by the Maryland court of appeals.
How neat was the timing of all of that?

And who was Agnew replaced by?

A congressman from Michigan that no one had ever heard of: one Gerald R. Ford.

When Nixon "picked" Ford, the Establishment knew the end was closing in on Nixon and they wanted Ford to get the gig so they could control him.

This looks an awful lot like that.
From: David Gellatly <davidgellatly@clarkrepublicans.com>
Sent: Monday, August 28, 2017 10:08 AM
Subject: Call To Special Meeting September 14th, 2017 630PM
 Good Morning Committee Precinct Officers!
I hope you are all enjoying your summer and the beautiful weather we have had. In following the completion of our 2017 Lincoln Day Dinner, Vice Chairman Leslie Melharry has resigned the position. This is a very time consuming position which chairs the Lincoln Day Dinner Committee and oversees the entire event and team. Please join me in thanking Leslie for the great deal of time she invested on our behalf to put on the large event. Leslie will continue to be an important part of the party, serving as a precinct committee office[sic] and on multiple campaigns.
Considering this vacancy, we are in need of a new Vice Chairman. This role is important as we begin planning immediately for next year's LDD event and in the case the chairman is unavailable, she would fill in.
I am extremely excited to relay that Stacie Jesser who currently serves as the President of the Clark County Republican Women's group, which is the 3rd largest and fastest growing NFRW group in the state.[sic] Stacie was the lead in putting on this last year's annual Clark Cup bi-partisan softball game with raised a great deal of fund[sic] ("fund?"  And $700 is a "great deal of fund?"  And you mean to say that DAVEY wasn't the one responsible for that waste of time?) for Santa's Posse children's charity.
She currently is on the CCRP board as an executive member as[sic] has[sic] helped produce our CCRCC meetings and fair booth. There is no question it would be a privilege for us to have someone with her qualifications step up to help the board and the central committee as we move forward. (And there is no question that the condition required of her to run for the gig is to support retaining Gellatly) 
With this said, filling this position requires a special election for the seat. And if there is anyone else who would also like to be considered, please let me know and I will notify all if other names come in.  Please have self-nominating names submitted no later than Wednesday 9/13/17 at 12pm.  This will serve as the official call to meeting, and will follow up with details as the date approaches. This is strictly a special election and the agenda will be limited to this action, so we can expect it to take approximately 30 minutes for official business.
We will hold the special election at my residence Thursday, September 14th, 2017 at 630pm.
Following the Special Election, we will have a hot dog / chili dog feed for the members of the central committee, were we will have the opportunity to welcome the new vice chair and well as thank Leslie for serving this past year in the position. Please RSVP for the dinner so we can have a reasonable expectation of food needed. This will be a great opportunity to spend time getting to know each other!   
David R. Gellatly 
Chairman, Clark County Republican Party 
Davey, I'm no grammar expert God Knows, but dude, you need to step away from the Jack and proofread your stuff before you send it out.

"Regards," indeed.

Davey's problem is that he has zero "regard" for anyone but himself.

Here's the thing: every PCO needs to contact Jesser and find out what her position is on getting rid of Gellatly.

And if she refuses to answer or answers that she supports this clown, then she needs to be met with massive opposition so that the Board hears it. Her position on this will be the political weather-vane as to her suitability to take over once Gellatly resigns.

Until Gellatly screws the Party again (and he will) this is the best opportunity to get rid of this utter disaster, who rules the CCGOP like it's his own personal fiefdom with lies, threats, and intimidation being the primary tools of his trade.

And, not to worry, Davey.  No one cares what I have to say OR reads my blog.  Right, Dino?

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