Thursday, June 23, 2016

When hatred drives your politics.

I've been playing this game for some time now.

The one thing I've worked very hard to attempt to accomplish is to keep emotion out of politics and stick to the core virtues of being a politician: tell the truth, remember who you work for, and don't betray those who elected you.

I've never been one of the "when rape is inevitable, relax and enjoy it" school of thought.

In my effort to discuss this issue with Lew on his blog, as documented here, someone who I do not know but who presumes to know me told me that my " of a Republican Utopia doesn’t exist. It never existed (at least as you see it)"

In fact, here's the entirety of their cryptic comment in response to my observations.

There is a level of that "oh, so superior" snark typical of the RINO.  And that inability to identify themselves, though In have an idea who it might be...
“Local politics has been my playground since 88 or so…” So what? Does that give you some special insight? It doesn’t you know- you’re just like the bitter dude who’s been at his job for 25 years when you’re in your first week at a new job: he “knows it all”, and he isn’t afraid to tell you. BUT, the bitter dude doesn’t own the company.
Myself, I’ll listen to the bitter dude- then form my own opinion. What I’ve found is 100% of the time the “owners” like to see someone who’s a team player, willing to listen to others, compromise, and think for themselves.
KJ- your vision of a Republican Utopia doesn’t exist. It never existed (at least as you see it). As Lew said, we’re all tired of purists on both sides of the aisle. Reasonable people on both sides recognize this, so don’t worry. It’ll all be OK.
And here was my response. likely never to be posted by Lew since he's grown rather impatient with being skewered on his own petard:
And 911, here's the responses to your question:

Do I have some special insight?

None in particular, save that resulting from consulting on a dozen different local campaigns, having my own local political consulting business since 2004, spending 6 years on legislative staff, having a degree in government and acting as the state GOP's executive director provides me.

So, in retrospect, I'd say, yeah, in fact it DOES provide me with "special insight."

Since you asked.

Well, 100% of the time the owners loath team players who do a terrible job.  Go to work for someone and lie to them about what you'll do if you get the job.  See how long you last.

Team players who are incompetent, or in this case, lie to join the team, who sell out to the left are, in fact, not what the conservative owners want.  The outcomes here are designed to silence those who disagree with the RINO take and who disagree with the prevailing wind or in the case of Lea's rant, who disagree with whatever conclusion Lew might arrive at.

His blog.  His privilege.

That you are shallow enough to be incapable of understanding that concept of keeping one's word, or doing the will of the people and understanding that "representing the will of the people" is not a partisan issue goes to your lack of depth in the field in question.

It's ALWAYS important to keep your word.  It's ALWAYS important to tell those who would elect you the truth. 

That, of course, is not based on any party allegiance.  And this "...when rape is inevitable, relax and enjoy it" attitude is part and parcel of why our legislative bodies have a lower approval rating than the Nazi's during the war.

I've never signed on to that scam.  Some, on the other hand, have certainly achieved a level of comfort with it; they expect little and receive little... and are perfectly happy with it when they certainly don't have to be.

This has nothing to do with the issue of "purist," whoever "we're" (Or in this case, you) might happen to be. 

I, on the other hand, purely expect people to keep their word.  I expect them to do what they pledged to do to manipulate the people into electing them.  And I expect them to be held accountable when they don't.  And I certainly understand that if, for example, Ann Rivers had run for her seat in the Senate pledging to support the largest gas-tax increase in this state's history, she wouldn't have been elected dog-catcher.

That, of course, is in no way limited to the political world.  It includes the familial world, the business world, the contractor world and the like.

It's just so odd people such as yourself... whoever you may be... are so willing to accept so little from those you contract with.  I'm reasonably sure that you would have a different attitude if you were talking about, for example, your mechanic, your home builder, your dentist or anyone else who gives you their word to do X in exchange for Y.

You call that "purism."  I call it common decency.  Some have that concept.  Some don't.

What you call "reasonable" has proven repeatedly to, in fact, be "gullible." Lew, for example, completely bought in to Tim "The Liar" Leavitt's "no tolls" scam.
I warned him.  He didn't listen.  How'd that work out for him?

And if what, for example, the 3 Stooges have provided us with in their haste to screw the people of this county is, in fact, "OK," then I want none of it.

But hey... what do I know?
Keeping one's word transcends party politics.   It, in reality, has zero to do with "party" and everything to do with humanity.

And for many, it does that very thing.  But when your judgment is clouded by hatred... when you'll say anything to get elected and then take zero responsibility for lying and manipulating the people...

That's not political.  That goes to your basic character or lack thereof.  And when your conclusions are based on your own nose being bent out of shape instead of the reality of a given situation... that goes to something else as well.

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