Thursday, June 23, 2016

The House democrat hissy-fit.

By now, there's a reasonably good chance that you've heard of the leftist hissy fit going on in the House.

In yet another sign of weakness by RINO Ryan, the Occupy democrats have literally taken possession of the floor of the House of Representatives while the RINOs run away and hide... instead of acting as the situation demands, namely that the Speaker order the Sergeant at Arms to clear the Chamber.

The leftists, of course, are being allowed to do whatever 

I was pondering this last night after word slid out that these clowns were sitting on the floor, literally as opposed to figuratively, and the thought occurred to me that it was all rather formulaic:

The democrats tend to throw laws at an issue much like they tend to throw money at an issue:  massive amounts and numbers hoping that something... anything... will stick.

As yet another golden opportunity to stick it to the democrats blows by, one has to wonder: is anyone awake at the helm of the GOP?

Some of the issues confronting our country are, I believe, worthy of being addressed.

And that includes those issues which fall under the umbrella of "gun control."

It sounds counter-intuitive to allow those on the terrorist watch list to purchase weapons.

The very name "terrorist watch list" strikes a cord among the rank and file of the people of this country for the most part.  But it has a somewhat different reaction for me.

Membership of the "terrorist watch list" is a rather exclusive club.  Most card-carrying names on that list are unaware of their membership.

It is of note that amphibious driving expert, the late Sen. Ted Kennedy (D-MA) was also on that list.

The irony of all of this is that this list, in and of itself, is the wrong discussion to have.

The RIGHT discussion is this:

1.  Declare war on ISIS.

They are directly or indirectly responsible for the slaughter of Americans and innocents generally.  Our failure to act by declaring war on them is not unlike the insane idea that the German invasion of Poland was just a misunderstanding and we need to stay out of it while others do the fighting.

ISIS, of course, has already declared war on the people of this country.  An unconventional war, to be sure, but a war, nonetheless.
"You may not be interested in war, but war is interested in you."  (Attributed to Trotsky)
2.  Add the element of due process to the terrorist list.

Here's where it fell apart for the democrats: they refuse to allow due process to be a requirement for membership in that club.

Due process, you see, would foil the leftist plan to put EVERYONE of the terrorist watch list as a reason to keep EVERYONE from buy or possessing guns.

The GOP had the chance to use political jujitsu here by taking the leftist's bill away from them and turning it on it's head by forcing through a due process clause which would have notified everyone on the last that they were, in fact, members; while providing them, at government expense, the opportunity to get themselves OFF the list.

3.  Utilizing the powers of the declaration of war, engage in the time honored tradition of a limited suspension of habeus corpus, as practiced by, if memory serves, Lincoln and Roosevelt during their wars...

Taking all of those on the list and, if non-citizens, deporting them and if citizens, placing them in protective custody until such time as the war against ISIS is over.

Using this method, the issue of the purchase of weapons becomes a non-issue since those ultimately on the list as a result of the time-honored and Constitutional tradition of due process would, by virtue of their deportment or their imprisonment, be deprived of their ability to purchase or maintain possession of firearms.

Ultimately, however, it would make little to no difference in the outcomes.

I know that.

The reader knows that... and most assuredly, those propagating this kabuki theater know that.

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