Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Another response to Waters.

I'm sorry, Lew.  Should I throttle back the term "hatred" to one of "intense dislike?"

It doesn't really matter what one calls it, in the end... the emotion of this is what's driving you.

I totally understand your failure to respond to the issues I brought up.  There are, in fact, two options as to the why of it: you can't... or you won't.

It's much like the reasons those who govern us or those who would govern us show the level of arrogance that enables them to ignore those of us who disagree with their actions or conclusions... even though they work for us.

To address the issues... the support of those who, in reality, represent everything you used to despise about politics and government... would be to arrive at many of the same conclusions I have.

An honest exchange of views would certainly include addressing each of the issues I brought up, but how can you defend the indefensible?

You effort to deflect is just that.  And you will go on supporting those who would do the most damage to us... who have done the most to reject the stated will of the people at the polls... who have lied to us to get elected... who have raised our taxes... who have busted the rights of the rural residents (Unless they happen to be Marc Boldt's brother, who he helped turn into a millionaire... or will...) and the one common thread they all have... all profess to?

They share your feelings... or some version of them... for Madore.  It's the commonality of the C3G2 hate group... the commonality of the out-of-power establishment types... the commonality of the leftists using you... it's the one, singular thread that binds you all together.

You see, I am not and never have been one of the enemy.   I have attacked Madore and his actions repeatedly.  I am not a part of the party mechanism.  I have fought them tooth and nail.  So, I don't fit into your box of how your characterize those who may have another view of your positions.

We've shared and fought many battles together... and the reality is that one of us has changed.

For the worse.

And I don't believe it was me.

It's been real... enjoy your new found fandom with your friends.

As for Lea and whatever scales911 happens to be, I appreciate your involvement in this discussion that had nothing to do with either of you... particularly those of the anonymous ilk.  But in the end, that you foster corruption in supporting those who would bastardize government is but a symptom of the greater disease.  And the next time those whom you profess to admire screw you, know this: your blind support of them helped to make it happen.

I'm sure you'll find comfort in the thought of it.

And Lea, I'm sorry I misunderstood, or that Lew, apparently, could not speak for himself on these matters.  I had no idea that dogged acceptance of his views were a requirement to post here.

It's just amazing how you've both become a caricature of that which you've both professed to despise the most.

Message received.

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