Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Responding again to Lew Waters


Well, I am not, I believe, on the fringe right of anything and yet, these efforts at dividing us are not limited, as you would infer, to merely those who happen to run the local GOP.  Further, few have done more battle with the local GOP than I have.

We have three county councilors who have voted in every way, precisely the same way their democrat opponents would have voted had they won. (Certainly, I'm willing to be schooled on this: how have they voted in any way differently than their democrat opponents would have?)

So please, help me to understand why they shouldn't be tossed out of the GOP?  There's a party ready, willing and able to take them in.  They're called "democrats."  And if someone who claims to be a part of Party A to get elected subsequently governs like Party B is their affiliation, then why should they be allowed to remain in Party A?

The label, you see, has to have meaning.  If you're going to run as a Republican, why, exactly, is it so hard to believe you should then govern like a Republican?

And, having committed what amounts to fraud to get elected, how are we as a constituency supposed to respond to that fraud?  How is the party that supported their election supposed to respond to it?  Bend over and scream, "thank you Sir, may I have another?"

Divisive groups like Crain's fake Republicans wanted that outcome.  At a minimum,, we all will now pay higher property taxes thanks to achieving the outcome she desired... precisely and absolutely as I said would happen during the run up to the election.  Thus, I believe she's already shown that regardless of what she might SAY as a part of her campaign, her RECORD is clear: higher taxes are no problem for her.  And she should be supported because of that?

Crain also seems to be an admin of the fringe-left C3G2 hate group... not surprising, given her endorsement of Chuckie Green.

Is that OK with you?  You know, the group that blocked you... and me... from posting because if you don't agree with them, they don't want to hear it?

I would ask you, Lew: is it OK for anyone to lie to get elected?  And if they do lie... and then, like Rivers, lie about WHY she lied... what is our response SUPPOSED to be?

"Well, you lied... and in your case, Gas Tax, it's only going to cost this county $700 million... and then, you lied about WHY you lied ($7 billion?  Really?) and now, if you don't happen to "like" a constituent (me) it's perfectly OK for you to tell the world you'll be happy to communicate with them... unless, of course, you don't like them... then, well, you can just feel free to ignore them.

It's ALSO OK for you to go out and recruit other tax and spenders, like a moron who wants a 15% food sales tax to help pay for a Supreme Court order that the legislature can feel free to ignore.

We want to reelect you so you can lie some more... ignore us some more... betray us some more... AND WE WILL CHEERFULLY VOTE FOR YOU AGAIN!"

Do you, for example, believe that it was perfectly fine for Gas Tax Rivers to pledge not to support gas tax or tab fee increases to get elected, only to betray those of us who supported her and my case, worked my ass off TO get her elected, voting against the vast majority of her district?

Can you explain to me why people like Crain and Rivers should be rewarded with election or re-election for THEIR divisive efforts that you never seem to take THEM to task over?

Do you believe, for one minute that the democrats would put up with that political treason at any level?

How is it that it's somehow "bad" for those you dislike to "divide" us, but perfectly OK for those you like to ignore GOP principles and ban together with the democrats to silence conservative voices in government through their efforts?

We look at the Senate and the House and those who lied to get elected there... (Still got that Obamacare thing?  Well, damned near every Republican in that joint promised to do away with it as a part of their campaign... and not only duid they fail to keep their word, they completely funded everything Obama wanted... and more!) and we re-elect 90% plus of them... and that's OK with you?

See, this is the part I don't get.  These same democrats working to toss the local conservative voices in government would run over Sheldon, Kastama, Tom and the like if they had the chance.  You mention the democrats who helped us to waste $200 million on the CRC scam, but then, you give Rivers and her $700 million betrayal... what her self-admitted so-called "political maturing" cost us... a complete walk.

I'm not easily confused.  Local politics has been my playground since 88 or so... but I must admit: you've got me stumped.

You seem to applying multiple standards to multiple candidates.  You seem to infer that those who betray us to get elected or to hold office should not suffer any consequence for that at all, as long as they hate Madore.

In fact, hatred of Madore appears to be the only litmus test you have.

And frankly... I just don't get why that seems to relieve them of any responsibility for where they fail us or betray us anywhere else.

Can you help me with that?


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