Tuesday, June 21, 2016

More on the disaster of women in Combat Arms:

86% fail the physical standard at thee beginning training phase.

Under 3% of the men fail.

It's a matter of time until the standards are lowered for women to increase that number, since none of this has anything to do with increasing or improving our fighting capabilities as a military.

I apologize for the effort by this article to justify women in combat arms: no such justification exists.

The number of men disqualified by this test is statistically irrelevant, particularly when compared to women. This insanity will weaken our Armed Forces as well as dramatically increase the casualty rate of units cursed with a gender mix in an unneeded, unwanted and unsustainable effort of PCdom run amok.

You can bet, for example, that none of the morons behind this insanity will ever have to live with the results.

There is a less than zero chance that, like their parents, either one of the Obama kids will ever be caught dead wearing the uniform of the Armed Forces of the United States, let alone in Combat Arms.

And that's a question that every one of these idiots should be asked when they're out there shilling this nonsense.

The few, the proud, the physically fit


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