Sunday, June 19, 2016

The pain of the Rivers betrayal.

It has been, in fact, the most painful experience of my political life to watch her become completely co-opted by special interests like the pot lobby, the contractors, the downtown mafia and that sort.

It's like she's being blackmailed... as if someone's got incriminating video of her in a compromising position or something.

Rivers was the one who was going to be "different."  She was going to be the "woman of the people."

She was, in fact, going to be a Woman of Honor.

Now, she's just for sale to the highest bidder.  A cynical, arrogant betrayal of everything I stand for and, at one point, everything SHE stood for.

My major job with Rivers, once she was elected, was to keep her "grounded." To, in effect, make sure that she did not morph into the very thing she morphed into.  I tried my very best to do that... but when the time came... she completely lost touch with that version of Rivers and she's now become everything in politics I despise.

She won't even tell the truth about recruiting a tax-and-spend RINO like Bowman to run against our Liz Pike.

It's been agonizing to see someone with so much promise and talent turn into the very caricature of a political monster... the type she swore to me she would never become... an out right liar, the very cartoon character of a corrupt politician that when she started out, she swore to avoid becoming.

Now, she's the fake Republican version of Jim Moeller.

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